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... t Service Act)規定,任何提供虛擬貨幣的購買、出售,甚至與法幣兌換及交易等服務的供應者,都必須持有 ...全文


紐西蘭變天 右翼國家黨大勝上場
勒克森勢任總理 工黨承認落敗

... 絕透露有否與行動黨(ACT)或紐西蘭第一黨(New Zealand First)就結盟作進一步接觸,只稱今日將 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月16日

紐西蘭大選 執政工黨恐失勢

... 括同屬右翼的行動黨(ACT)或紐西蘭優先黨(New Zealand First)才得以上台。目前支持度約10% ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月14日


... istration Act)。美國法例禁止國會議員登記為外國代理人。 梅嫩德斯涉促黨友批准援埃 據周四提交法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月14日

The global north must follow the global south’s lead

... reen-manufacturing potential, the continent could supply the developed world with goods and services to accelerate the clean-energy transition. In Latin America, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13

The binary temptation

Moral equivalence – the treatment of two (or more) parties as if they bore equal degrees of moral blameworthiness and wrongness in their actions, attitudes, and intentions. The claim that two (or more ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-13


...  Services Act)。 平台刪數百哈馬斯新賬號 馬斯克其後在X發文稱,公司政策完全透明,要求布雷東列 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月12日


... 的惡魔行為」(an act of sheer evil),令人想到極端武裝組織「伊斯蘭國」曾經發動的襲擊。 以 ...全文


The Rise of AI – Navigating AI risks in Asia

... blic interactive generative AI products and services to be subject to the CAC’s security assessment. It is likely that China will enact further detailed and specific AI legislation by the end of 2023. ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-06


... (Restrict Act)的議案,建議賦予商務部審查或阻止某些構成國安風險的訊息通訊技術商業交易的權力。雷蒙 ...全文


為保護民主 復興本地新聞

... inability Act)將撥款10億美元,用於支持本地新聞稅收抵免,但它與「重建更好」法案一起夭折。同樣, ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年09月29日

We Need to Talk About Bank Supervision

... ficant impact). The aim, according to a joint agency proposal, is “to improve the strength and resilience of the banking system” by modifying large capital requirements to better reflect underlying ri ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-27

China to become world’s top auto exporter this year

... orea manufacturers. Analysts forecast China’s full-year exports at 4.4 million units, up 41 per cent from 3.11 million in 2022, when Japan’s exports were 3.5 million. China’s exports of electric vehic ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

AI監管競賽 鬥快立法搶話語權

... 工智能法案》(AI Act),歐洲議會、歐盟27個成員國和歐盟委員會之後將討論如何進一步修訂法例,預計年底前完 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點2023年09月23日


... 工智能法案》(AI Act),預料年底前完成全部立法程序,最快2026年正式執行。‧現時版本全面禁止在公共場合 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點2023年09月23日

To Protect Democracy, Revive Local Journalism

...  by many factors, but economic challenges top the list. Earlier in the internet era, Craigslist supplanted the classified ads that previously funded newspaper journalism. Then came the big digital pla ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-20


... 法案》(CHIPS Act),嘗試讓業務回流國內,法案提供約2800億美元的新資金,支持研發和美國國內的半導體 ...全文


Europe must get serious about critical minerals

... their extraction and processing capacities. Still, we do have some difficult decisions to make with respect to mining projects within Europe, and we also must invest more in our own refineries and pro ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

As China’s economy drags, the rest of Asia offers hope

...  world to act aggressively, reaching interest levels not seen in decades. Such high interest rates were expected to have brought the U.S. and European economies to their knees, once again accelerating ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

How global currencies end

Is the dollar poised to lose its dominance of global economic and financial transactions? Many commentators apparently think so. Russia obviously hopes they are right, given that it has been shut out ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

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