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外電引述消息人士報道,抖音(TikTok)母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)近日非公開股票交易增加,令公司估 ...全文



抖音(TikTok)母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)宣布,委任Kevin Mayer為集團首席營運官(CO ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年05月20日

抖音母企逆市添兵 全球擬聘萬個職位

各國受疫情影響,失業率大幅飆升。不過,抖音(TikTok)母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)卻逆市招兵買馬, ...全文


Chinese audiences get to watch big-budget movie for free

... dia group ByteDance for 630 million yuan. The movie can be viewed on ByteDance’s Douyin and Toutiao platforms for free. This is not the first time for an expensive film to be released online. The Iris ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-31

消費市場規模大 愛追捧高新技術

... 巧其母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)也是著名的中國獨角獸,估值達5000億元人民幣。對此,戈峻坦承內地的創 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月06日

免捲中美科技戰 母公司否認售股權

... 抖音母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)正考慮為旗下抖音國際版應用程式TikTok,在國外設立全球總部,冀擺脫 ...全文


Why Tencent and Alibaba both back short-video app Kuaishou

... a unit of Bytedance, which is the parent of news aggregator Jinri Toutiao and video sensation Tik Tok. Kuaishou was founded by Su Hua, a former programmer at Baidu and Google. He founded Kuaishou as a ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

ByteDance moves to ringfence TikTok app amid US probe: report

ByteDance has stepped up efforts to separate its social media app TikTok from much of its Chinese operations, amid a US national security panel's inquiry into the safety of the personal data it handle ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-27

US army orders security review of TikTok after senator's warning

... r Beijing ByteDance Technology's US$1 billion acquisition of US social media app Musical.ly. TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The company has previously emphasized its inde ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-22


... 由中國民企字節跳動(ByteDance)持有,是以音樂、娛樂等內容為主的短視頻社交平台。自2016年9月推出, ...全文


Five stocks that present a scare this Halloween

... rgence of ByteDance and online advertising budgets moving toward more trending platforms, Baidu has had a rough time recently. The stock is currently trading almost 50 percent lower than its 52-week h ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

TikTok owner ByteDance may be ready for IPO

China's ByteDance, which owns short-form video app TikTok, is eyeing an IPO in Hong Kong as early as the first quarter of next year, according to the Financial Times. The company is estimated to have ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

抖音踩入矽谷 高薪向fb挖角

... 屬公司北京字節跳動(ByteDance)可能被迫向中國情報機構分享用戶私隱資訊。   ...全文


US senators call for intelligence probe into Chinese app TikTok

... h company ByteDance, and other China-owned content platforms. Senator Marco Rubio has asked US authorities to review allegations that the Chinese government uses TikTok for political censorship. “With ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

Facebook chief criticizes TikTok for censoring protesters

... r Beijing ByteDance Technology Co. Ltd.’s acquisition of Musical.ly Inc., arguing TikTok is used by the Chinese government to censor politically sensitive content. In a letter requesting the review, R ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

LeBron says Rockets GM 'wasn't educated' when he sent HK tweet

...  owned by Bytedance Ltd. “My James is being attacked by Americans, Americans believe Morey should be supported, and James’ words are basically opposing Morey,” said one user on Weibo. “Sigh, I love yo ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

US lawmaker calls for vetting of TikTok's Musical.ly deal

US Senator Marco Rubio asked a US national security panel to review TikTok owner Beijing ByteDance Technology Co. Ltd.’s acquisition of Musical.ly, arguing TikTok is used by the Chinese government to ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-10

再吸資34億 鞏固內容王國 知乎引入快手百度

... 音」母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)較量。 迎擊字節跳動 總部位於北京的字節跳動,是內地最值錢的獨角獸企業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月14日

ByteDance launches new search engine in China

ByteDance, the owner of short-video app TikTok, has launched a new search engine in China, entering a sector currently dominated by Baidu Inc., Reuters reports. Beijing-based ByteDance is moving beyon ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-13

中美貿戰影響 交易削半 內地次季風投額4年低

... 音」母公司字節跳動(ByteDance)估值達750億美元,比Uber的560億美元更高,成為全球最值錢的獨角 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月10日

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