土地註冊處資料顯示,中半山堅尼地道8號8 Kennedy Terrace共4伙成交,涉資4.64億元,是次成交 ...全文
... 堅尼地道8號的「8 Kennedy Terrace」;李志端在入稟狀中提到,雖然Phoenix Top是有關資 ...全文
... 環IMPERIAL KENNEDY的3房單位;中原集團旗下中原地產亞太區主席兼行政總裁黃偉雄夫婦,則以2163 ...全文
... . Justice Kennedy notes, “it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex ...More
EJ Insight2020-07-03
... 宅IMPERIAL KENNEDY一個高層戶收租,直言單位租金可達「心目中合理回報先考慮買入」。 政商界名人的 ...全文
... 迪(John F. Kennedy)呼籲美國人讓世界更加包容多樣化,但他卻派遣了1.6萬名美軍前往越南,而在其 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年06月11日
... . John F. Kennedy called for Americans to make the world safe for diversity, but he sent 16,000 US troops to Vietnam, and that number grew to 565,000 under his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. Likewise, ...More
EJ Insight2020-06-11
... ty)畢業的米徹姆(Kennedy Mitchum)早前向韋氏詞典指出,出版的字典中未有完全解釋「種族主義」, ...全文
... Robert F. Kennedy)作為候選人曾承諾結束戰爭,並到訪燃燒的貧民窟,以平息非洲裔美國人的恐懼,但 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年06月08日
... 員肯尼迪(John Kennedy)強調,不想中美兩國陷入新冷戰,只是希望中國能遵守規則。法案將會交到眾議院審 ...全文
... s John F. Kennedy School of Government and Benjamin A. Olken, Professor of Economics at MIT are co-authors of this article. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected] ...More
EJ Insight2020-05-21
... 員甘迺迪(John Kennedy)發起。法案要求美國上市企業,必須證明自己不受外國政府控制或持有股權。 法案 ...全文
... 迪(Michael Kennedy),並隨函附上奧布萊恩及庫德洛的信件。斯卡利亞在信中提到,特朗普要求聯邦退休 ...全文
西環IMPERIAL KENNEDY低層C室,實用面積約388方呎,1房間隔,外望開揚城市景觀,以896萬元易 ...全文
... t John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York carrying an extraordinary load: 12 million gloves, 130,000 N95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units and 36, ...More
EJ Insight2020-04-02