
共 497 個結果
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A few star performers in the US IPO market

Both Uber and Lyft are well below their IPO prices, with their slide stoking concerns that the tech stock boom is coming to an end. But the fact is there have been quite a few star performers among th ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-25


世界變得很快,好似Uber和Lyft這兩大舉世矚目的美國科網新股,今年IPO以來股價一直「潛水」,甚至令人懷疑 ...全文


Slack shares surge on debut, valuing firm at more than US$23 bln

...  Inc. and Lyft Inc., had disappointing starts to trading. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-21

Will Facebook become a global financial player?

...  Uber and Lyft and music-streaming giant Spotify are among the other entities that have linked up with Facebook's Libra initiative. The firms believe their service users will welcome a new payment too ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-19

Uber unveils next-generation Volvo self-driving car

... ring with Lyft Inc. to serve more riders. South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Corp. both said they would invest in the self-driving car software startup Aurora and speed up development of t ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-13

Uber首季勁蝕78億 賺錢路仍遠

... 個大數目,而且比對手Lyft過去一整年的虧損還要大,但符合公司預測,儘管如果以營運基礎計算,首季虧損較去年同期 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月01日

Delivery startup DoorDash valuation surges amid post-IPO falls

... ar. While Lyft and Uber saw declines in their post-IPO share prices, on-demand food delivery platforms are still hot targets for venture capitalists and tech giants. Last week, London-based Deliveroo ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-24

人棄我取 短期博彈?

... 後做unwind,沽Lyft買Uber switching,即是買入Lyft沽Uber比例在Uber上市後一直 ...全文



召車平台Lyft自3月底上市後股價一直下跌,目前已經較IPO招股價低了差不多25%,部分投資者提出集體訴訟,指 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年05月20日

Pinterest虧損巨 美早段瀉12%

... 間召車公司Uber和Lyft。 Pinterest第一季營業額增長了54%,報2.019億美元,高於市場預期的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月18日

明阻神州5G夢 搞完中興玩華為

... 水源開始枯竭。 優步Lyft潛水 初創斷財源 近期美國兩大網上召車公司優步及Lyft上市後,股價均大幅跌穿招股 ...全文



... ix和3月底才上市的Lyft,現在持有5萬股Netflix和20萬股Lyft,也增持了2021年到期的特斯拉( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月17日

Uber drivers are contractors, not employees: US labor agency

... top rival Lyft Inc., and many other “gig economy” companies have faced dozens of lawsuits accusing them of misclassifying workers as independent contractors under federal and state wage laws. Employee ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-15


根據美國科技媒體Engadget報道,兩大召車程式優步(Uber)及Lyft昨天(14日)相繼宣布,於美國波特 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年05月15日

股市震一震 老牛更襟玩

... 底早一步上市的死對頭Lyft還要醜怪。 非戰之罪? Uber管理層當然賴得就賴,把落筆打三更歸咎於侵侵在公司上 ...全文


掛牌次日曾瀉9.3% 低招股價16.2%

... 美元左右。 樂天同遭Lyft殃及 軟銀透過願景基金持有約13%的Uber股權。分析員指出,部分軟銀股東看中軟銀 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月14日

Uber首掛挫7.6% 打擊科企上市潮

... 不停。Uber的對手Lyft股價同日也跌7.4%,目前已較招股價低近三成。 市值低於尾輪私人融資估值 根據De ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月13日

Uber開報42美元 較IPO定價低逾6%

... 6%。 網約車第一股Lyft曾下滑超過9%,盤中低見50.02美元,創下上市以來歷史新低。截至本港時間晚上約1 ...全文


市值跌至5998億 買家首日賺錢夢成空

... 但定價保守,因為對手Lyft持續潛水,而且上市撞正中美貿易爭拗升級,股市大幅波動,令Uber不敢輕舉妄動。 史 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月11日

Uber valued at US$82 billion in IPO as market jitters weigh

...  by rival Lyft Inc., Reuters reports. It is an underwhelming result for the most anticipated IPO since Facebook Inc.’s market debut seven years ago. Uber raised US$8.1 billion, pricing its IPO at US$4 ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-10

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