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... 周五)購買指定型號的Macbook或iPhone,即送贈價值超過2000元的無線耳筒。 傳今季手機產量縮一成 ...全文


新MacBook Pro加價四成 Touch Bar反應欠佳

蘋果周四發布新一代手提電腦MacBook Pro,最主要的改變是新設了觸控功能鍵Touch Bar,以及配備指 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月29日

新MacBook Pro下周亮相

科技新聞網站Recode引述消息報道,蘋果公司下周四(27日)將舉行發布會,介紹新一代MacBook Pro, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月20日


iPhone 7同iPhone 6分別唔大,但的確有分別。Home鍵變成MacBook嘅同樣感覺,有啲奇怪;鏡 ...全文



... hone 7、新一代MacBook Pro,甚至是iPad Pro。 事實上,部分蘋果概念股今年上半年業績非常 ...全文


Dual cameras, upgraded hardware in new iPhone

... he latest MacBook line. The new iPhones will remove the headphone jack in favor of connectivity via Bluetooth and the charging port. This will make room for a second speaker. The new models will run i ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

聯想藉AR概念追落後 宜短勿長

... 使小米將推出兩款類似Macbook的產品,但不會為聯想帶來巨大威脅。 長期而言,該行反而較關注華為在PC市場與 ...全文


Apple taps veteran executive to oversee car project

... uding the MacBook Air laptop computer, the iMac desktop computer, and the iPad tablet. He had also worked on special projects such as the Apple Watch under Cook's leadership. An Apple spokesman declin ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-26

Is Apple having a midlife crisis?

... l Apple’s Macbook this year. Huang said he is converting to Google for some products. Apple’s future looks worrying if others follow his example in big numbers, he said. -- Contact us at english@hkej. ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27


... ,實在沉悶!我新買的Macbook雖然「靚仔」,但相比5年前舊版本表現也差不多,在觸控熒幕和裝置同步等技術上「 ...全文



... 否推出平板電腦版本的MacBook呢? 方保僑  香港互動市務商會會長 ...全文


Apple to start selling 12.9-inch iPad Pro online

... s 13-inch MacBook Air. Apple says the iPad Pro has a 10-hour battery life. In the three months to Sept. 26, Apple’s sales of iPads fell 20 percent in both units and revenue. -- Contact us at english@ ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Apple to release record number of new iPhones this year

... Watch and MacBook laptop computer. In addition to keeping the display size unchanged, Apple is expected to keep the screen resolution about the same, according to people familiar with the matter. It m ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-09

Filipino Hongkonger detained in Thailand over fake robbery claim

... one and a MacBook computer had been stolen, according to the report. The man, a 22-old named Wong Wai Ki Warwick Taboctabo, arrived in Phuket Saturday afternoon by plane. He told the police that he to ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-23

Apple watch is here and in stores April 24

... hed a new MacBook notebook computer that starts at US$1,299 and weighs as little as two pounds. Also, every major car brand has committed to delivering Apple's CarPlay entertainment system, Cook said. ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-10

Rich dad's son seeks to restore old glory of restaurant business

...  received Macbook Pro and iPhone 6 as gifts. However, some Fu’erdai (second-generation rich kids) would rather use their parents' money as capital to grow their own businesses. Stan Tang Yiu-sing, the ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-06

Google overtakes Apple in US schools

... es of its MacBook laptops, using the OS X operating system, are included, it added. -- Contact us at [email protected] FL/CG ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-01

Help your kid's school and travel to exotic places

...   15-inch MacBook Pro3.  13-inch MacBook4.  A pair of violin workshops5.  Samsung Galaxy Note 36.  Samsung Galaxy S5 Chinese International School 1.   One-week stay in a luxury European or Asian villa ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-20

Microsoft tablets find use as iPad stands

... iPads and MacBook Pros to the studio. The Microsoft tablets were placed there on election night to provide access to CNN’s "Magic Wall," which is owned by a company run by the tech giant. Twitter user ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-06

Can China afford to shun foreign IT products?

...  iPad and Macbook devices, from the government procurement list due to national security concerns. Some Chinese government officials later told local media that Bloomberg misinterpreted the procureme ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-07

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