
共 1588 個結果
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New development areas crucial to easing land shortage

... istorical peak of 188 points in 2019. The fact is that bad news is not enough to force home prices to fall. Though many people may attribute this to strong user-based demand, the serious shortage of s ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-28

南區SHOUSON PEAK 11G洋房逾3.1億沽出

新盤大碼樓頻獲追捧,新地(00016)旗下港島南區壽山村道現樓洋房項目SHOUSON PEAK,昨日以3.10 ...全文



新地(00016)旗下南區壽臣山洋房項目SHOUSON PEAK今日再沽1伙,為壽山村道11G洋房,實用面積3 ...全文


The climate X factor

... ions must peak soon if we want to achieve our emissions-reduction targets and avert future climate disasters. The full suite of promising new technologies will need to be developed, optimized, and dep ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-20

利.晴灣23首輪銷108伙 套現7億

... 。 SHOUSON PEAK洋房2.95億售 大額成交方面,新地(00016)南區壽山村道現樓洋房項目SHOU ...全文



新地(00016)旗下SHOUSON PEAK壽山村道11B號洋房今日以招標形式售出,成交金額2.952億元。 ...全文


瓏珀山招標單日沽10戶 套2.4億

... 1.79億元。 山頂PEAK ROAD洋房傳8.7億售 由九龍倉(00004)持有、會德豐地產負責發展及銷售的 ...全文


能源糧食騰貴 短缺年代將至

... 年大膽預言石油頂峰(peak oil,即石油生產率達到最高點),最終未有應驗。與此同時,太陽能、核能、風力及水 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年04月30日


... 8號Central Peak發展項目第2期,涉19伙;大坑宏豐臺10號,涉6伙;汀九85號則佔1伙。 ...全文


Productivity after the pandemic

... -pandemic peak until 2024. If output growth exceeds employment growth over the next few years, productivity will increase (at least temporarily). The Congressional Budget Office’s most recent forecast ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-21

10 things global investors need to know about China equities

... uring the peak of the pandemic crisis in 2020, China was less volatile than the US. There were only three days, for example, when China’s markets moved by more than 5% on a daily basis, compared with ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-20

南非桌山大火 焚開普敦大學

... 峰(Devil's Peak)一處紀念礦業大亨羅茲(Cecil Rhodes)的園地,其後迅速蔓延至整個山坡, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年04月20日

How uneven nature of pandemic impact boosts copper prices

...  so much speaks to the uneven nature of the pandemic’s impact on the global economy. Certain sectors, such as transportation, hospitality, entertainment and oil production have borne the brunt of the ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-16

77/79 Peak Road洋房買家曝光

土地註冊處資料顯示,由九倉(00004)持有、並由會德豐地產發展及銷售的山頂豪宅項目77/79 Peak Ro ...全文


Green is not the new black; it is here to stay

... es to hit peak emissions in 2030 and reach net zero by 2060. That is a pretty big “paper promise”, which will need some concrete progress before its credulity can be assured; the same can be said for ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-12

同一穹蒼下 神人未接通

... 一峰名Pamola Peak。梭羅在此感悟到「神靈」,即教徒所謂的「上主顯靈」(epiphany)。他寫道:「 ...全文


A new deal for informal workers

... gs during peak lockdowns. Many therefore had to reduce expenditures, deplete savings, mortgage or sell assets, and go deeper into debt, handicapping their economic recovery prospects. The WIEGO study ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-09


... 理基金之間的峰谷值(peak-to-trough)差異,遠遠大於同類情況下ETF之間的差異(分別為18.88% ...全文


Biden’s sensible stimulus

... -pandemic peak very soon. By 2022, it will probably be well above potential. The global economy is also expected to recover, though not as rapidly as that of the US. Some now warn that the US economy ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-26

Central banks’ taper dilemma

... te bonds’ peak spread. “Coincided” is the key word here. It is not clear whether these actions mean that conventional tools are now less effective in restoring market confidence in times of stress, or ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-23

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