... 天堂的第二個手遊產品Pokémon Go異常成功,推出幾周營業額已經達到2.5億美元,可惜DeNA沒有參與其中 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年08月15日
英國民調機構YouGov的調查顯示,單在美國、英國及德國三地, 大熱手遊Pokémon GO推出5周以來已錄得 ...全文
... 獲當局積極回應;最近Pokémon GO手機遊戲熱潮,李收到不少車長指在各電車總站,有不少年輕人搭電車捉精靈, ...全文
... 改名後最成功的案例是Pokémon GO的開發商Niantic,Niantic就是Google宣布重組為Alp ...全文
... aunched a Pokémon GO workshop and called on hikers to hunt for Pokémon along a path to the Lion Rock. Any initiative that makes people go out and do physical activity should be encouraged, says Chu, w ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-10
Thailand has declared key places such as the Royal Palace grounds, Buddhist temples and hospitals off limits to Pokémon GO players. Reuters is reporting that the Thai licensee of the Japanese online c ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-10
... 紅才落注不會遲 遊戲Pokémon GO的成功,帶動了一眾擴增實境(AR)及虛擬實境(VR)概念股的炒作,日前 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年08月10日
Nick Johnson, who claims to be the first person to capture all 145 creatures now available in the Pokémon GO game, says he is not ready to put away his smartphone just yet and hopes for new features. ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-09
Pokémon GO吸引大批市民下載去玩,但長時間玩此類手機遊戲可增肌肉及關節勞損,致頸梗膊痛、手指關節痛或腳 ...全文
They're everywhere in Hong Kong, lurking in parks, bus stops, behind your back -- even painted onto streets. Pokémon GO is so pervasive it inspired graffiti artists to commit the monsters to the con ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08
... monsters. Pokémon GO, the augmented reality mobile game that is taking the world by storm, was released in Taiwan on Saturday, keeping police officers busy and leading to several game-related accident ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08