元朗YOHO Town第8座中層C室,實用面積461方呎,2房間隔,叫價710萬元,減至698萬元沽出,創屋苑 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town第6座中層H室,實用面積422方呎,2房間隔,附有露台,向東,景觀開揚;中原地產表示,單 ...全文
樓價漲不停,差餉物業估價署(下稱差估署)最新公布的2017年12月樓價數據顯示,私人住宅整體售價指數報352. ...全文
元朗為近年一手住宅主要供應庫,項目接踵推出,尤以新地(00016)位於朗日路9號的Grand YOHO第一期最 ...全文
私樓車位有價,新地(00016)發展的元朗YOHO Town,由於只在樓盤開售初期沽出少量車位,其餘留作收租, ...全文
新地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO Venezia推出毋須收入證明的「至高無上King's Key 12 ...全文
元朗新盤混戰已達白熱化階段,嘉華(00173)牽頭發展的元朗朗屏8號昨天開價,首批208伙,平均呎價1.32萬 ...全文
中原地產區域營業經理蕭頌崴稱,元朗YOHO Midtown 1座中層A室,實用443方呎,原業主去年9月開價6 ...全文
A cinema that has operated for 17 years in Kowloon Tong will soon be relocated to Yuen Long, Apple Daily reported. The theater's operator said the landlord has decided to raise the rent to an unbearab ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-30
When a young university graduate boasted on social media how he got a public rental flat by pretending to be poor, he highlighted loopholes in a system that has been exploited for years with the gover ...More
EJ Insight2014-09-02