... 戶數量增長超出預期。Ebay預計第一季營業收入將出現4年來的首次下降,目前股價挫逾8%。 微軟首財季純利按年升 ...全文
... ayPal and eBay have abandoned the project. Representative Ann Wagner, a Republican, pressed Zuckerberg on why so many companies abandoned the Libra effort. “You’ve lost these stable partners and I fin ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-24
... ,收入升19%。■ eBay第三季盈利按年跌57%,勝預測,收入變動不大。■ 美元先升後反覆回軟,兌歐羅報1. ...全文
電子商貿平台eBay公布,截至9月30日止第三季,淨利潤按年跌57%至3.1億美元。每股經調整盈利為67美仙, ...全文
... 一職將由電子商務平台eBay前行政總裁多納霍(John Donahoe)接任,生效日期為1月13日,他仍會擔任 ...全文
... d Stripe, eBay Inc., Booking Holdings Inc. and PayPal Holdings Inc. Global policymakers and regulators worry that the creation of a new synthetic global currency could upend the global financial syste ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-21
... 萬事達卡、Visa和eBay也相繼棄之而去。 另外,上周五出席20國集團(G20)會議的財長同意對Libra等 ...全文
... s Stripe, eBay and Booking Holdings. The exodus followed intense skepticism from global policymakers and regulators in the US and Europe who worry Libra could upend the global financial system, threat ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-17
... ociation. EBay Inc., fintech startup Stripe and payments company Mercado Pago also pulled the plug. The exodus followed warnings from politicians and regulators, from the United States to Europe, that ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-15
... y, as did EBay Inc., Stripe Inc. and Latin American payments company Mercado Pago. They join PayPal Holdings Inc. which exited the group a week ago, as global regulators continue to air concerns about ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
Facebook(fb)推出加密貨幣libra的計劃再度面對挫折。網購平台eBay、網上支付平台Stripe, ...全文
... 布破產,並在拍賣網站eBay以1美元底價放售機械人,截稿前的網上競價已突破17萬美元(約132.6萬港元)。買 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月03日
In just one day, on Wednesday last week, the chief executives of three global companies – WeWork, eBay and Juul – all resigned. What once seemed bewildering is no longer so. In fact, more than 1,000 l ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-30
... 最後輪到電子商貿平台eBay掌舵韋尼格(Devin Wenig)宣布辭職。 俗語有云:發生兩次是巧合,第三次成 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月30日
電子商貿平台eBay行政總裁Devin Wenig宣布辭職,表示辭職是由於與重組後的董事會存在意見分歧。 We ...全文
... 行政總裁。 電商巨頭eBay宣布,韋尼格(Devin Wenig)辭去行政總裁職務,並正在推進潛在的資產出售。 ...全文