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滙豐:開立新資金定存 共同建構綠色未來

... 底開始與環保慈善機構One Tree Planted合作推出植樹計劃,客戶經滙豐認購一個ESG投資產品,包括存 ...全文


Russia is finished as a major energy power

... s that no one can stand up to him because of the naked power that he can exert through energy markets. If the Europeans resist too much, he will cut off their gas. If the rest of the world cuts back o ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

New question surrounding cyber risk insurance: Insurable or not?

... n supply done for the cyber insurance market? Based on WTW Cyber portfolio in Asia, we have seen rate increases range from 50% to 200%. This will be after several rounds of lengthy negotiations, thoro ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

Is the new stagflation policy-proof?

... xcessive monetary and fiscal stimulus across advanced economies, especially the United States but also in other advanced economies. Putting aside the war’s profound long-term geopolitical ramification ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

On the Slap

... istory as one of the most ignominious and scandalous ep ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年04月01日


花旗銀行表示,除One Bay East分行外,銀行全線分行將於下月4日起恢復營業,分行現時之營業時間將維持星 ...全文


On the slap

... istory as one of the most ignominious and scandalous episodes in recent years – which says, in equal parts, something about the anodyne nature of contemporary entertainments, and about Smith’s hyper-m ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

COVID-19’s lessons for democracies

... ust as no one ever steps into the same river twice, for it is not the same river and they are not the same person, no country ever experiences the same disaster twice. But learning from one emergency ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

Fighting cybercrime across the world

... l to stay one step ahead of attackers. Our analysis of Q4 2021 highlights the rapid evolution of adversaries not only in terms of the actors themselves but also in their exploitation activities. Busin ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-31

微信打擊NFT炒作 逾10公眾號被封

... 」、「一點數藏」、「One Meta」等公眾號已經被封禁,大部分平台被提示為「由用戶投訴並經平台審核,存在未取 ...全文


Masks shop on Russell Street

When would the pandemic that has dragged Hong Kong for more than two years end? Well, one possible sign we look for is the closure of mask shops in Causeway Bay, a district that has undergone drastic ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Replace Russian oil and gas with renewables

... replacing one dirty energy source with another would leave the growing dangers of climate change to be dealt with later – if at all. Given the pressure of the current Ukraine crisis, such shortsighted ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Putin’s war: Rational, irrational or boundedly rational?

...  war has gone terribly wrong for Russia in every possible aspect so far. People suggested that the war trajectory has so far vindicated their view that the invasion is too risky, and thus Putin has no ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30

Apple to cut production of iPhone SEs and Airpods: Nikkei

Apple will make 20% fewer iPhone SEs next quarter than originally planned, according to Nikkei Asia reports, due to an expected fall in demand as economic pressures from the Ukraine crisis may hit app ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29

America’s macroeconomic outlook

... open, it nonetheless remained 7% below its pre-pandemic level. Getting back that remaining 7% was always going to be difficult, because it required a re-division of labor. During the disappointing, an ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-29

食材說故事 飄來大豆香

... 最令人意想不到的是「One-Sided Crispy Threadfin with Tofu Skin &am ...全文


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