
共 2530 個結果
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EU regulator denies anti-US bias in Apple, Google cases

... s popular Android operating system for smartphones. Amazon is in the EU's crosshairs for a Luxembourg tax deal and Starbucks for a Dutch tax arrangement. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/FL ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-02


... 」 《信報財經月刊》Android揭頁版:https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroidi ...全文


網絡科技 紫禁之巔

... 在中國推出新版安卓(Android)應用商店,無疑表明了谷歌正尋求重返中國市場的路徑。 然後是印度總理莫迪(N ...全文


Google unveils latest Nexus phones, tablet

... ed on its Android operating system. The Pixel C tablet will cost US$499 for the 32GB model and can be bought with a detachable keyboard, which will cost US$149. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/FL ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-30


... 。 《信報財經月刊》Android揭頁版:https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroidi ...全文


云爾錄 : App《17》申請再上架

... 播不雅畫面,早前已在Android Play Store消失,周二更無法在iOS App Store搜尋到;個 ...全文


云爾錄 : 幼園概覽網上版發布

... 應用程式版(iOS及Android)供下載,詳情可登入www.chsc.hk/kindergarten。 另外 ...全文



...  《信報財經月刊》 Android揭頁版:https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroid ...全文


【信報月刊】鍾逸傑:佔中是政府wake up call

...  《信報財經月刊》 Android揭頁版:https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroid ...全文



... Phone好,結果賣Android機給你。」他更追問:「既然拋石那麼好,為何不全部用拋石?會否是為追趕進度或造 ...全文



... 連接iPhone或 Android 手機。   Narrative Clip 2 穿戴式攝錄器 機身尺寸3.6 ...全文



... 功能,可傳至iOS或Android手機欣賞照片。至於拍片操作簡單,雙擊兩下機面便可拍攝一段10秒的720p或1 ...全文


iPhone 6s knockoffs sold in Shenzhen for as little as 600 yuan

... y run the Android system. The operating system may sometimes go choppy, but users may find no difference in the interface when compared to the real thing. Meanwhile, it is the first time that a knocko ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-18

Google faces antitrust penalties in Russia

... e adopted Android-based handsets that come pre-loaded with Google products that compete directly with Yandex applications. Google's total 2014 revenue stood at US$66 billion. The company's website doe ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15

Google pushes into mobile payment with US launch of Android Pay

Google is rolling out Android Pay, a one-touch payment app on Android devices, in more than a million locations in the United States. The payment service can be used through Android devices with near- ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-11

Google trying to make comeback in China

Google Inc. is in talks with Chinese government officials and handset makers about launching a new Android app store in mainland China, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. It is ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-07

Instagram finds it doesn't pay to be square

... le Inc.'s Android system and Apple Inc.'s iOS will allow portrait and landscape formats, giving users and paying advertisers more options. The move should help Instagram in its battle with newer rival ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28

HTC to slash 2,250 jobs in deep cost-cutting

... nce a top Android smartphone maker but its market share has shrunk significantly in recent years amid intensifying competition from Samsung Electronics Co. and Chinese smartphone makers including Xiao ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-14

SmarTone launches mobile payment service

SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. (00315.HK) has launched a point-to-point sales and marketing platform for mobile payment services. The service is available on iPhone and Android apps linked ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-07

FireChat launches off-grid private messaging feature

... d here]  (Android and iOS) -- Contact us at [email protected] JP/CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-30

頁數:1...119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

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