
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 ...150

The Finlandization of Asia

... ndia abandoned those policies in the early 1990s – around the same time communism was collapsing in Europe – but has continued to rely on Russia for military supplies, including warplanes and tanks. G ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-25

柏瓏II超購4.2倍 海茵莊園周六賣312戶

... 市區重建局合作的中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE。另一方面,何文田St. George's Mansio ...全文



... a Garda、中環One Central Place及柏瓏餘下期數將緊接推出應市。此外,亦正積極準備今年何文 ...全文



... 最新的「一個健康」(One Health)方針,把握人類與自然之間的相互聯繫。現在的挑戰是制定一個統一的框架, ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年05月24日

The case for philosophy

...  true, if one’s conception of philosophy involves a conjured image of ten to twenty folks sitting in a kumbaya fashion, next to a dilapidated fireplace, somewhere tucked away in the Ivory Tower of yor ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-24

Anti-imperialists should oppose imperialism anywhere, everywhere

In reading the titular statement, one may – most natura ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年05月24日

芝加哥鼓勵青年接種 送個人NFT

... arris的熱門歌曲One of One作為配樂。參與計劃的年輕人其後便會收到電郵,從交易平台VAST收取NF ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年05月24日

風暴襲加8死 逾百萬戶停電

... 電力公司Hydro One周日晚上表示,仍有超過22.6萬戶停電,預料需時數日才能恢復全部電力供應。風暴造成多 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年05月24日

加拿大受暴風吹襲 最少8死50萬戶停電

... 配送公司Hydro One周日指出,電力設施嚴重損毀,正在派員搶修。在首都渥太華,周日仍有17萬戶停電。電力公 ...全文


Covid, decoupling provokes biggest foreigner exodus from China

... h Harrow, one of the most famous British private schools, announced that it was changing the name of its bilingual school in Beijing to Lide after the Chinese government banned schools with Chinese st ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

Anti-imperialists should oppose imperialism anywhere, everywhere

In reading the titular statement, one may – most naturally – think this is a self-evident statement. Surely, if one opposes imperialism – defined here as the subjugation of a party of independent sove ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

攻元宇宙吸客 Starbucks漸入佳境

... a Company One Cup at a Time. Howard Schultz, Dori Jones ...全文



... 市集售賣作品,但作為one man band的她每次參加市集後都身心疲累。剛好當時正藉PMQ準備開業,大學教授 ...全文


Preparing for climate overshoot

... cluding a one-third reduction in methane), “it is almost inevitable that we will temporarily exceed this temperature threshold but could return to below it by the end of the century.” If avoiding a br ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-20

Another global recession?

... ow – just one of many signals pointing to a weak economy. The problems facing China have implications extending beyond the economy and markets. China’s single-party leadership has long legitimized its ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-19

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