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煤股業績「烏卒卒」 淘汰產能添好運

... 027)齊齊漲6%;永利澳門(01128)升4.3%;新濠國際(00200)升勢更凌厲,抽升9.4%。 市場消 ...全文



美股隔晚再急升257點,市場觀望聯儲局議息會議紀錄,會否發放鴿派訊息,樂觀情緒支持美股繼續造好。港股大幅高開後 ...全文



... 醜聞。先是去年9月,永利澳門(01128)旗下的貴賓廳中介人多金,有職員被揭發虧空公款;至上月澳博(00880 ...全文


市況兩極化 續Call濠賭股

雖然油價高位急跌,但美股受到聯儲局官員樂觀言論推動而繼續大幅回升,道指隔晚收市再升222點,美股擺脫受油價因素 ...全文



... 2%,為最強勢藍籌;永利澳門(01128)更飆一成,金沙中國(01928)和美高梅中國(02282)齊齊上揚逾 ...全文


貴賓廳未回暖 續縮減疊碼仔

永利澳門(01128)公布截至去年12月底止第四季業績,符合上月中發布的初步業績數據。經調整物業現金經營溢利( ...全文


Why gaming stocks are a good bet

Macau gaming stocks suffered recently due to worries over falling industry revenues and reduced wealth of Chinese equity investors. Casino revenues of the gaming enclave dropped 16.2 percent in the se ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

Gaming plays to face further downward pressure: JPMorgan

JPMorgan Chase & Co. has cut its share price targets on Macau gaming plays, citing potential further headwinds for the sector amid rising costs and reduced revenues. The brokerage estimates that M ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-10

Macau casinos hit cold streak over Lunar New Year holiday

Macau saw its casino earnings decline over the Lunar New Year holiday, a less than auspicious start to the Year of the Goat. According to Barclays, average daily table revenues in the world's gambling ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-26

Govt must be fair in awarding gaming license: Macau Legend

Macau Legend Development Ltd. (01680.HK), a satellite casino running on the license of gaming giant SJM Holdings Ltd. (00880.HK), is urging the government to consider the interests of all casino opera ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-12

Success Universe eyes own gaming license in Macau

Macau casino operator Success Universe Group Ltd. (00487.HK) has set its sights on a gaming license of its own as the government is launching a review of the gaming industry this year. Deputy chairman ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-02

Macau must reduce dependence on gaming sector: Li Fei

Macau should reduce its dependence on the gaming sector, a mainland official said, warning that over-reliance on one industry poses a threat to the long-term prospects of the city's economy. Li Fei, d ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-04

Macau casinos see worst revenue drop in October

Macau casinos saw the sharpest year-on-year drop in monthly revenue in October since the world’s largest gambling hub started keeping records in 2005. Gross revenue for the month plunged 23.2 percent ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-04

Macau gaming revenue seen picking up in second-half 2015

Macau's gaming revenue growth will revive in the second half of 2015 following a sharp slide in the key VIP segment in recent months, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. The investment bank said in ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-30

Macau casino bonds slump amid Xi graft drive

Macau casino bonds are plunging as a deepening crackdown on Chinese “flies and tigers” is increasingly scaring away high rollers, Bloomberg reported Monday. Wynn Macau Ltd. notes due October 2021 clim ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-29

Macau concludes probe into Cotai land deal; matter 'clear': Wynn

Macau authorities have completed an investigation into a Cotai land transaction of Wynn Macau Ltd. (01128.HK) and are apparently satisfied with the outcome, according to its chairman Steve Wynn. The t ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-24

Bet on iPhone 6 or win the Mark Six jackpot

Hong Kong's next batch of multi-millionaires are about to be minted thanks to a record Mark Six jackpot (HK$150 million) this weekend and a whopping 3T prize money (HK$30 million) as the horse racing ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-12

Labor cost weighs on Macau gaming plays

Macau's top six casino operators have seen HK$72.6 billion (US$9.37 billion) wiped off their market value amid spiraling labor cost, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Friday. It only gets worse. ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-08

Wynn Resorts shareholder seeks details on Cotai land deal

A shareholder of Wynn Macau's US-based parent Wynn Resorts Ltd. has sought an explanation from the Macau government regarding a US$50 million payment the company made to secure a land parcel in Cotai ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-09

Wynn untouched by US$1 bln junket operator caper

Wynn Macau Ltd. (01128.HK) said it has not been affected by the disappearance of a junket operator who left behind HK$10 billion (US$1.3 billion) in unpaid debts, the Hong Kong Economic Journal report ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-16

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