
共 2684 個結果
頁數:1...120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 ...135

Young couples need to save for 14 years to afford a flat

... ve surged beyond what families can afford. In a separate survey commissioned by Citibank (Hong Kong) Ltd. and conducted by the University of Hong Kong, people in the 22-29 age bracket are found to be ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

Fears over China's growing power hinder Xi's Silk Road dreams

... influence beyond economics to politics and culture at a time when the United States is seeking to reassert itself in the region, Bloomberg said. Xi has also unveiled a second, maritime, Silk Road that ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

How the internet is making inequality more visible than ever

The conclusion that America has become vastly more unequal over the past 35 years is beyond doubt. Since 1979, the pattern has been clear: The richer you were, the far richer you have become. And if y ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

US prosecutors probing possible HSBC leak to hedge fund

... hich goes beyond the sharing of market-sensitive information between banks, the report said. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA/CG ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

Lessons to learn from Ebola crisis

... e crisis. Beyond stemming the spread of Ebola, the international community must apply the lessons of the current crisis to future potential health hazards, by developing a credible response that empha ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-25

How US support for Taiwan TPP entry can foster democracy

... d market. Beyond direct economic benefits, Taiwan’s inclusion in the TPP and other regional trade agreements would more securely cement the democratic island’s place at the heart of Asia-Pacific suppl ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-19

Tough to live and work in HK, but what makes it a big draw?

... he office beyond the regular working hours. A 2012 survey by UBS found that Hong Kong ranks among the world’s top five cities in terms of average working hours per year (2,296 hours). The figure, whic ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-19

India-US breakthrough paves way for global trade deal

...  continue beyond a 2017 deadline. “India and the US have successfully resolved their differences relating to the issue of public stock holding for food security purposes in the WTO in a manner that ad ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-13

QE ideas that may work in Europe

... ficantly. Beyond lifting the eurozone economy out of deflation, such an initiative would have massive political benefits, as it would reduce resentment toward European institutions, especially in stru ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-06

Protesting students should think about going back to school

The long-drawn-out Umbrella Movement entered its 40th day this Thursday, which is beyond anybody’s wildest expectations. Most of the protesters have taken to the streets on their own initiative and pa ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-06

Hui graft trial: Prosecution fires closing salvo

Former Hong Kong chief secretary Rafael Hui was described as a man who lived beyond his means and the co-defendants in his corruption trial as "cheats" during closing arguments by the prosecution Wedn ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-06

Here's what makes the student movement a potent force

...  maturity beyond their years. Their conduct was the kind required in political bargaining. Ironically, this is also the kind of skill set that makes them dangerous in the minds of Beijing politicians. ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-05

Apple University is coming to China

...  in China beyond sales and business operations. Currently, Apple has a great number of suppliers based in the country, and it’s quite likely that the program in China will focus on product engineering ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-05

JPMorgan faces US probe into currency trading

... er losses beyond reserves for legal matters, up US$1.3 billion from the end of June, and the most since mid-2013. “In recent months, US government officials have emphasized their willingness to bring ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-05

Lunar New Year stalls fetch record prices at auction

...  has gone beyond our expectation, and we already planned for the worst and could face losses,” the bidder said. The bidder intends to sell abalone and experimental cuisine at the fair. “The Occupy mov ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-03

Baidu search: Enlightenment -- and entertainment

... ffer much beyond the usual text description, giving you a pleasant surprise and also providing some entertainment.  That is because Baidu has started using graphic art and illustrations to explain the ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-31

Apple CEO Tim Cook comes out: 'I’m proud to be gay'

... usion far beyond the business world,” Levinson said in his statement. “On behalf of the board and our entire company, we are incredibly proud to have Tim leading Apple.” With the essay, Cook became on ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-31

Some shopping malls win, thanks to Occupy campaign

... m do look beyond the near term and invest in a place with robust property fundamentals. Hong Kong is one of the best examples,” he said. However, overseas investors may demand an increased risk premiu ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-29

Does 'one country, two systems' exist at the party’s pleasure?

... distorted beyond recognition: Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy now only exists at the Communist Party’s pleasure. Originally, the one country, two systems principle reflects a pragmatic approach wh ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-29

No proof Occupy denting rule of law, for now: Albert Chen

... things go beyond a point. So far, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that the movement is causing irreversible harm to the rule of law, Chen said. As for the future, it will depend on whether so ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-29

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