
共 2719 個結果
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Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi eyeing 2018 US listing

...  company, Uber Technology's main rival in China, has received a US$1 billion investment from Apple Inc. Didi has ruled out a stock market flotation in China, the source said. There are nearly 800 comp ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-17


... 生意手法的新思維,連UBER也甘拜下風;乘客開心安心,司機收入隨之增加。 的士生意入行門檻低,交數千至1萬元按 ...全文



... 方向及經營方法。其實Uber在外國也有共乘的選擇,但礙於本港法律規限,因此暫時未能在香港落地生根。 Cetah ...全文


蘋果入股滴滴 拓展支付落力

... 美國「過江龍」優步(Uber),蘋果入股滴滴在政治上乃高明一着。 從商業角度出發,此舉也大有道理。面對硬件銷售 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月16日


...  我們的經營方式可用Uber來類比。Uber並不擁有任何的士,但它提供一個平台,聯繫的士司機和乘客。硬蛋則為智 ...全文



... 202億美元,僅排在Uber和Airbnb之後。 這家公司成立於2003年,成立十幾年後仍十分低調,其神秘程度 ...全文


Square另闢戰線 信貸成敗關鍵

... ,就連召車軟件優步(Uber)及網購巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)也加入。多爾西在業績會議上表示,Caviar服務 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月09日

滙款之王 利潤不爽

... ,即使召車軟件優步(Uber)挑戰的士業,所面對的障礙也無法相提並論。 就算克服領牌障礙,挑戰者每天還要應付聯 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月04日

的士加價 司機要保證受惠

... 才會同意加車租。」 UBER及折扣的士盛行,若再加價會否令的士司機更難維生?黃保強表示,近年最影響的士司機不是 ...全文


New agent for private equity: crowdfunding

The development of internet-based businesses has removed the role of the middleman in many sectors. Uber and Airbnb are two examples. Private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) used to rely heavily ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-29

Google, Ford, Uber form group to push self-driving cars

A group of companies including Google, Ford Motor Co. and Uber Technologies Inc. are spearheading efforts to bring in safety regulations for self-driving cars and help implement them on US roads. The ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-27


Google、福特汽車(Ford)及打車軟件Uber(優步)等公司合組聯盟,旨在向美國國會議員、監管機構及美國 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年04月27日


... ti報告認為,銀行的Uber時刻即將到來,實體網點將被淘汰,移動設備將成為客戶和銀行之間的主要溝通工具,意味銀 ...全文


Uber海鮮價 印度嚴打

在美國大紅大紫,在海外不一定也能大紅大紫。召車軟件Uber(優步)在海外市場面對重重挑戰,該公司上周擺平的一宗 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年04月25日


... 軟件上,以行業領軍者Uber為例,核心技術是能夠保證乘客無論從哪個位置出發都能獲得最優價格的動態定價演算法。在 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 軟硬中國劉璟2016年04月23日

Hair and music in a Hollywood Road speakeasy

...  oasis in uber-commercial Hong Kong. He built a place according to his taste, not for one-size-fits-all retail service. In return, he has garnered a loyal following: clients who return to him over and ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

30 Uber drivers in Hong Kong suspended over 'ghost ride' scam

Online car-hailing service Uber said it has suspended 30 Hong Kong drivers who allegedly took part in a "ghost ride" scam involving the use of stolen credit cards, Apple Daily reports. An Uber driver ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

Uber overtakes rental cars among US business travelers

It's not just taxis that are suffering from the enormous success of Uber Technologies Inc. The ride-hailing startup is now getting more business from professionals in the United States than rental car ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

Belgian moms launch babysitter-finding app

... apps like Uber and Airbnb, the app allows parents to send details on how, where and when they need help at home to up to 20 babysitters. The app then sorts available babysitters by location and rating ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-21

網約車新規 須登記領證

... 出限制,滴滴、優步(Uber)、易到等私家車加盟模式的專車平台或將受強力約束。 新政規定,網約車平台須在某地登 ...全文


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