Apple announced Monday that it will be opening its Siri digital assistant to outside developers, a move that will allow users to activate apps such as Uber and Skype with voice commands At its Worldwi ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-14
... 餐廳,我們研究推出如Uber共享概念的流動廚房,租用一些晚上不開業的中菜餐館或辦公室廚房煮食。」 Will認為 ...全文
打車軟件Uber因聘用非專業司機,不當提供的士服務,周四被法國法院判罰80萬歐羅(約700萬港元)。 案中兩名 ...全文
... 向開發商收廣告費。 Uber有意與車廠合作 另外,周三市傳Uber正與快意佳士拿(FCA)等傳統車廠商討合作。 ...全文
歐盟委員會推出新指引,要求各國把全面禁止打車軟件Uber(優步)和短租網站平台Airbnb等公司視作「最後手段 ...全文
... 資美國召車軟件優步(Uber)。對沙地而言,不當地投資互聯網公司實在見怪不怪:沙地阿爾瓦德王子(Prince ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月03日
... 元入股召車軟件開發商Uber。新加坡政府的兩大投資旗艦淡馬錫及新加坡政府投資局則接下軟銀的部分阿里巴巴舊股,涉 ...全文
各國主權基金紛紛加入科網界資本盛宴,全球最高估值未上市公司Uber獲沙地阿拉伯主權基金斥資35億美元(約273 ...全文
A global ride-sharing alliance between rivals of Uber Technologies Inc. shifts into a higher gear Thursday, when users of a popular Southeast Asia-focused transport app can begin making car bookings v ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-02
Ride-hailing service provider Uber said it has raised US$3.5 billion from Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund, gaining a crucial partner in its expansion into the Middle East. The investment from the ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-02
European Union governments should not ban services like home-rental site Airbnb or ride-hailing app Uber except as a last resort, the EU said in new guidelines aimed at reining in a crackdown on the " ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-01
... 批評,更有不少人轉乘Uber,丘應樺表示,每個行業都有好人和壞人,不能以偏概全。他指出,Uber非合法經營,對 ...全文
打車軟件崛起,不少傳統車廠都與這類新興公司結盟,連巨擘豐田汽車也加入這行列,周二宣布已入股Uber(優步),並 ...全文
... s such as Uber and Cetah. But applying this to taxi drivers won’t change fundamental problems with the industry, Li said. At the root of the bad service many passengers experience with taxis is income ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-24
召車公司Uber周四宣布,將在匹茲堡街道測試無人駕駛車,採用福特Fusion油電混合動力車。這是Uber首款無 ...全文