... 業董事長楊凱持有。 佳兆業(01638)的例子或能為投資者帶來安慰。這家以深圳為基地的內房商亦是由大股東牢牢控 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月29日
... 昨天除了停牌兩年多的佳兆業(01638)復牌升55.8%外,其餘內房股全線下跌,跌幅由一成至半成,不少主攻三四 ...全文
... 還會持續調控措施。 佳兆業復牌 逆市狂升56% 內房股幾乎全面下挫,藍籌股中國海外(00688)及華潤置地(0 ...全文
問題內房佳兆業(01638)停牌兩年後今天終於復牌。該公司債務危機於去年下半年得到解決,日前完成內部監控檢討, ...全文
Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd., the first and only Chinese property developer to default on overseas debt, will hold a board meeting on Saturday to approve the publication of its 2014-1016 annual results, ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-24
... 中國(03900)、佳兆業(01638)及雨潤的計劃告吹後,預留大筆資金未有動用。 興業金融(香港)分析師To ...全文
... 中國(03900)、佳兆業(01638)及雨潤的計劃告吹後,預留大筆資金未有動用。融創近期又再積極進行收購,包 ...全文
Given precedents like Kaisa Group Holdings (01638.HK) and Greentown China Holdings (03900.HK), key personnel changes in listed companies are usually an early sign of trouble and can easily spook inves ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-06
Sealand Securities, a mid-sized Chinese brokerage, and property developer Kaisa Group Holdings, both reported fraudulent behavior by their employees recently, involving multibillion yuan of funds. In ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-22