... ,且目前LIBOR跟HIBOR的息差已經升至2011年以來的新高,一旦信貸市場有任何風吹草動,將對股市及樓市帶 ...全文
... 本港追隨美國加息,以HIBOR為參考標準的債務利息支出勢必增加;故此浮息債務比例愈低,企業財政愈穩健。以上5隻 ...全文
... 期本港銀行同業拆息(HIBOR)減通脹計實質利率,可見與本港住宅售價指數(取自差估署.下同)有關,雖然將後者以 ...全文
... 必容許銀行同業拆息(HIBOR)大幅飆升防範資金外流,本港樓價將會大瀉60%。 至於在較好的情況下,即美國未來 ...全文
... n 2011 of HIBOR +1.7 percent. The seven banks that followed suit are Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd., Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. (02388.HK), Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd., Indu ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-23
... 全期為銀行同業拆息(HIBOR)加1.7厘,上限為最優惠利率(P為5厘)減2.85厘,還款期最長30年,但罰息 ...全文
... while the hibor rate will increase in line with the US rate movements. Due to rising borrowing rates and downside risks for home prices, we prefer the telecom sector, companies with quality overseas b ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-02
... 本港的銀行同業拆息(HIBOR)上,儘管暫未影響到最優惠利率,但現時不少樓按以同業拆息為基準,影響供款的情況已 ...全文
... 管早前銀行同業拆息(HIBOR)升至7年高位,李達志指出,利息由接近零水平開始回升,現時1個月及3個月拆息為0 ...全文
... night CNH-Hibor rate surged by 120 basis points recently, and this has considerably raised the costs of speculating on the yuan. That would force short-sellers to leave the market. However, the record ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-23
... est rate (HIBOR) to 3 percent to curb speculation about a potential depegging of the HKD from the USD. The recent hike in the renminbi interbank rate in offshore market is another example. Speculators ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-21