
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ...150

Google's Alphabet in bid to buy Fitbit: report

... y’s value may now lie in its health data. Fitbit cut its 2019 revenue forecast in July, blaming disappointing sales of its newly launched cheapest smartwatch Versa Lite. The watch is priced at US$160, ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

US may extend tariff suspensions on US$34 billion of China goods

The United States Trade Representative is studying whether to extend tariff suspensions on US$34 billion of Chinese goods set to expire on Dec. 28 this year, Reuters reports. The USTR, the lead US tra ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

Amazon may challenge loss of Pentagon cloud deal

... rder that may be granted before or during trial, with the goal of preserving the status quo before final judgment. The court, on the other hand, allows for “discovery”: a process which allows an aggri ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

強扯傳媒口罩拘攝記 業界譴責

周日晚旺角及尖沙咀一帶發生警民衝突,網媒HKFP一名自由身女攝記May James在旺角採訪時被拘捕,經通宵扣 ...全文


How Japan still struggles with the Fukushima nuclear waste

... issue. It may be a matter of time before the waste poses a huge threat to the environment again. Given the fact that environmental damage caused by nuclear waste contamination can be both catastrophic ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28


網上英文媒體Hong Kong Free Press(HKFP)自由攝影記者May James,昨晚在旺角採訪 ...全文


What is left of Hong Kong's competitive advantage?

... enter but may eventually hand over our international status to neighboring competitors. Hong Kong’s international success is built on our core values – the rule of law, freedom, professionalism, and i ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Guarding against fake news

...  that you may have seen yourself. After a taxi was driven into some protesters, pictures were circulated on social media of an X-ray showing broken leg bones. People forwarding the pictures claimed – ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28


網上英文媒體Hong Kong Free Press(HKFP)的自由攝影記者May James,昨晚在旺角採 ...全文


Pan-dems eyeing over half of DC seats

... the panel may advise the EAC on postponing the DC race in cases of “riot, open violence or any danger to public health or safety”. Meanwhile, the pan-democrats, based on their current assessment, beli ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

A (tiny) room with a view

... The price may seem attractive given the upscale property, but bear in mind that it gets you just a bedroom measuring 60 square feet. In terms of cost per share foot, the tenant is shelling out HK$233 ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Technology can help in dealing with mental health issues

... worldwide may be suffering from the problem. By 2030, combating depression will become the world's largest medical burden, the WHO said. ● It is estimated that up to three-quarters of the people will ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

網媒攝記昨晚旺角採訪期間被拘 已獲釋

本地英文網媒《Hong Kong Free Press》一名自由攝影記者May James,昨晚在旺角採訪示威 ...全文


Are we set for a leadership change?

... , Beijing may first appoint its hand-picked successor as the chief secretary. That will ensure that by the time Lam steps down, the No. 2 person would have “warmed up” and be ready to take the top job ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

Contingency plan unveiled in case of disruption of DC polls

... tion that may disrupt the elections or counting of votes. While bad weather is an element that is taken into account in preparing for contingencies, there is now also a need to prepare for potential d ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

A new approach to protecting gig workers

... g workers may have to bargain with unions, which their workers will now have the right to form. National unions, such as the Transport Workers and the Teamsters, and newer groups, like Rideshare Drive ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25


... e company may not achieve profitability;換句話說,公司可能永遠賺不到一 ...全文


PPRB chief John Tse expected to play new role in police force

... ards, Tse may be redeployed to the frontline and serve as the new commander of the Kwai Tsing District in New Territories South. Over the past four months, Tse has taken center stage in explaining and ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

Former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn seeks dismissal of charges

... rst trial may start in March. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

How a weaponized dollar could backfire

...  or China may succeed in developing alternative payment mechanisms that would allow Iran to sell some of its oil. That might in turn undermine the dollar’s role in the long run. More generally, US for ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

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