... 曉峰閣6伙。原業主為佳兆業(01638)高級顧問譚禮寧及其妻子,透過有限公司於2009年6月以1866萬元購入 ...全文
... 30日至今一直停牌的佳兆業(01638)今年1月宣布333.2億元境內債務已完成重組,若干債權人已訂立支持承諾 ...全文
... 元。該公司因未能入主佳兆業(01638)而使深圳市場失諸交臂,主席孫宏斌強調,今年肯定會進軍深圳,正有數個項目 ...全文
已停牌近一年的佳兆業(01638)或再受政治事件波及,有傳其第二大股東富德生命人壽的實際控制人兼前董事長張峻已 ...全文
... 007年發展以來,除佳兆業(01638)曾出現違約事件,需要債務重組外,暫未有其他的債務違約事件。 採訪、撰文 ...全文
... 基本上是賭場」。 與佳兆業保持洽談 對於融創退出雨潤集團重組計劃,孫宏斌稱,和雨潤的合作仍在進行中,雙方仍有有 ...全文
... 。最新一個例子當然是佳兆業(01638),其老闆郭英成去年10月盛傳「失聯」,未幾便以「健康理由」辭職,同時該 ...全文
Companies listed or incorporated in Hong Kong have been involved in six corporate bond defaults out of more than 100 this year, the most since 2009. US companies were involved in 62 defaults, the Hong ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-07
... 均維持數十宗水平。 佳兆業等6公司上榜 在今年違約的101家公司中,有6家為本港上市或註冊的公司【表】,包括年 ...全文
Sunac China Holdings Ltd. (01918.HK) is seeking more acquisition opportunities in second-tier cities with its cash pile of 16.79 billion yuan (US$2.61 billion), chairman Sun Hongbin said. But in view ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-26
Shenzhen-based Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. (01638.HK) named a young new chief executive in a management shuffle as its recently returned chairman appeared to consolidate his hold on the property develop ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-12
Shenzhen-based Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. will see more volatility in its bond price after Sunac China Holdings Ltd. abandoned its proposed acquisition of the troubled property developer, an industry e ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-28