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美企績優中東局勢料緩和 美股續漲

... n.com)、蘋果(Apple Inc)、網飛(Netflix)和谷歌母公司Alphabet Inc重新獲得青 ...全文



... 是中學時校內舉辦的「Apple Race」。有天早上,老校長在主持完早禱後,悻悻地在禮堂上說: 「你們這幫孩子 ...全文


Netflix業績成美股焦點 專家冀FAANG回穩利後市

... mazon)、蘋果(Apple)、Netflix與谷歌母公司Alphabet五大科技巨擘的簡稱。 過去數周,F ...全文


蘋果發嚴厲警告 洩密員工可能被控

... iPhone X與新Apple Watch資料的軟件更新程式。 蘋果指出,洩漏上述訊息可能打擊現有產品的銷量, ...全文


Philippines' Duterte apologizes for 2010 Manila hostage tragedy

... too late, Apple Daily reports. Speaking before a large crowd of Filipino workers in Hong Kong at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal on Thursday evening, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who ended his th ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-13

Stanley Ho, 'King of Macau', steps down; Daisy Ho to lead SJM

... ts board, Apple Daily reports. Ho's retirement will take effect from the conclusion of the company's 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders, the date of which has not been set yet, the statement ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-13


... 和;由上述神話而來的apple of discord,表示引起爭端的事: 十三、Our society is ...全文



... 多功能,基本上只能用Apple Music播音樂、操控少數適用於蘋果的智能家具,以及透過iPhone傳送訊息, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月13日


... r。 她一口Big Apple(New York)accent,我一開口是充滿殖民地特色和獅子山下成長印記的流 ...全文


Instant messaging scams net HK$2.6 million in first quarter

... ong Kong, Apple Daily reports. The most common type of scam was identity theft, the bureau said. Chief Inspector Lau Ka-ho said fraudsters use the mobile phone number of their target to apply for a Wh ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-12

蘋果委Apple Music新主管

蘋果公布,委任Oliver Schusser出任主理Apple Music與國際內容的副總裁。 Schusse ...全文


Why London will remain a big draw despite Brexit uncertainty

... rankfurt. Apple and Google have both invested over 1 billion pounds into new super offices in prime London. The banks aren’t leaving, the reality is there is nowhere for them to go. Frankfurt doesn’t ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-11

Why China is cracking down on popular news apps

... apps from Apple's App Store. That may be significant because although iPhone lags far behind its Android rivals in market share, it still accounts for more than 10 percent of the Chinese market. There ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-11

HK highways chief says artificial island for mega bridge is safe

... e HKZMBA, Apple Daily reports. According to the highways chief, there has been no dislocation of the slabs after he and Raymond Kong Tai-wing, chief engineer (major works)of his department, inspected ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-10

Apple says all its facilities now powered fully by clean energy

Apple said on Monday that it has achieved its goal of powering all of its global facilities, including data centers, offices and retail stores, with 100 percent renewable energy. The US tech giant als ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-10

Couple critical after elevator runs out of control in Tsuen Wan

... n Street, Apple Daily reports. After they pressed the button to their flat on the 15th floor, the lift suddenly ascended at an abnormally high speed before it smashed the top of the lift shaft on the ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-09

Protest held to demand freedom of speech amid Benny Tai saga

...  there!", Apple Daily reports.  In a statement, the organizers expressed strong objection to incriminating anyone for his or her words, and called for a resolution to safeguard freedom of speech and a ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-09

Democrats vow to continue calling for end to one-party rule

... quoted by Apple Daily as saying after the ceremony that “end one-party rule” has been as one of the alliance’s five main creeds and it will never scrap it. The alliance will not cringe before any powe ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-06

HK engineers raise concerns over safety of mega bridge

... tandards, Apple Daily reports. Safety concerns over the mega bridge, which is expected to open as early as this quarter, have been raised after a photo taken recently by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UA ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-06

Samsung Electronics tips record first-quarter profit

... eader and Apple Inc.'s smartphone rival forecast its January-March profit to leap 57.6 percent from a year earlier to 15.6 trillion won (US$14.7 billion), beating an average forecast of 14.5 trillion ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-06

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