
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 ...150

China set to be a winner in Ukraine war

... eir telephone calls to their parents at home. The Russian military budget does not extend to encrypting all radio conversation – those on open lines give the Ukrainian army excellent intelligence on w ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-21

港青基信書院 引領學生找到人生意義

... 校園)、Serve one another in love(彼此以愛守望)、Respect ourselves ...全文


China set to be a winner in Ukraine war

... eir telephone calls to their parents at home. The Russi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年04月21日

Horse racing never dies

... f course, one needs a vaccine pass and LeaveHomeSafe App to enter the off-course centre for cashing in their winning tickets, or depositing cash to renew their hopes of eventually winning. That is goo ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

Refining consultation process key to addressing housing shortage

...  there in one’s life? Therefore, it is of paramount importance to streamline the development process and expedite land supply. Meanwhile, the legislative proposals for development-related statutory pr ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

Seizing opportunities from China’s new growth narrative

... modative monetary and fiscal policies and some supportive measures for the property sector, such as lowering down payment ratios for mid/low tier cities and relaxing controls on pre-sales funding. Eco ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20


... 景邨,以及九龍城區的One Homantin、何文田邨、冠暉苑、冠德苑、冠熹苑、常樂邨及皓畋的住戶、清潔及物管 ...全文


How data technology can help property buyers

... while the one for the whole territory is expected to be completed within three years. These 3D data come from different sources and formats, such as helicopter tilted photography, vehicle-mounted mobi ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19


... NE(MONACO ONE發展項目第2期)加推3號價單,涉及118個單位,折實平均呎價26293元。■ 食環署 ...全文


Five reasons copper prices have risen

... the past, one might have assumed that this relationship was mostly on the input side: higher/lower crude oil and natural gas prices made mining and refining copper more/less expensive. That assumption ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19

Joe Biden’s problem with the public

... almost anyone thought possible, his poll numbers remain abysmally low. At Biden’s urging, Congress passed legislation, which had been hanging about for years, to make big investments in America’s dete ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19

US strategic ambiguity over Taiwan must end

... attacks alone. Third, because both Russia and China are permanent, veto-wielding members of the United Nations Security Council, the UN’s mediation function cannot be relied upon for conflicts in whic ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19

呎價提高至26293元 暫收3000票

... NE(MONACO ONE發展項目第2期)成為市場焦點。發展商有見收票數字理想,更於過去兩天連環加推,先於周日 ...全文



會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO MARINE(MONACO ONE發展項目第2期)加推3號價單,涉及118個 ...全文


MONACO MARINE暫收2500票 超購10倍

會德豐地產九龍東啟德MONACO MARINE(MONACO ONE發展項目第2期)市場反應理想,會德豐地產常 ...全文



... 庭軒,以及九龍城區的One Homantin、何文田邨、冠暉苑、冠德苑、冠熹苑、常樂邨及皓畋。 ...全文


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