It's not just taxis that are suffering from the enormous success of Uber Technologies Inc. The ride-hailing startup is now getting more business from professionals in the United States than rental car ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-22
... apps like Uber and Airbnb, the app allows parents to send details on how, where and when they need help at home to up to 20 babysitters. The app then sorts available babysitters by location and rating ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-21
... 幫你訂pizza、打Uber車,甚至在亞馬遜網站為你下訂單。這些會聽、會說的智能助手,正在成為讓人類跟數位世界 ...全文
... 持有的滴滴快的,與 Uber 在美國的主要競爭對手 Lyft 合作,以 Lyft 網絡在美國試推叫車服務。投資 ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc. has released its first ever transparency report detailing the information requested by US law enforcement agencies and regulators. Between July and December 2015, the ride-shari ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-13
... 便是講當時討論熾烈的Uber出租車的現象;殯儀經紀撐黃傘出場,眾人相濡以沫,互相扶持,也叫人想到雨傘期間的人際 ...全文
... rides on Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. Facebook is also expected to reveal more about its push into live video, it said. It earlier introduced a feature that allows users to stream live video ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-11
Call車程式Uber前年進軍本港受到巿民捧場,其後雖被指違法經營,但港府亦因應巿場訴求,決定研究推出優質的士 ...全文
... 的是,M-PESA與Uber及Airbnb一樣,都屬於破壞性的產業,皆因M-PESA的出現威脅到傳統銀行業。高 ...全文
Investors in Didi Kuaidi Joint Co., China’s homegrown competitor to Uber Technologies Inc., have pushed the ride-sharing company’s valuation to more than US$25 billion. Beijing-based Didi Kuaidi is cl ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-08
Peer-to-peer (P2P) services have disrupted the operations of various industries. Besides Uber, the short-term lodging rental platform Airbnb is another case worth discussing. Airbnb boasts several sel ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-06