橫行了一個月的A股,無力向上突破,結果迎來了大跌。上證指數昨天跌穿3000點大關,收報2972點,下跌2.31 ...全文
... 。內險股大多漲3%,中國太平(00966)抽升5.5%。美國聯儲局將「審慎加息」,對息率敏感的地產股及公用股彈 ...全文
Hang Seng Index rebounded to over 23,000 points from a low of 20,368 points last week. It seems the market has completed its consolidation. Some analysts believe the index would rise further after bre ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-13
The US Federal Reserve kept its policy interest rate unchanged last week, which is in line with my expectation. This week the market is closely watching the meeting between Chinese leader Xi Jinping a ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-22
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) has been offloading stocks and funds since the end of June amid a market slump. Equity investment in the insurer's portfolio was 6.6 percent at the ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-26
Most heavyweight Chinese stocks are trading sideways for lack of sufficient liquidity, while hot money has been chasing a large number of small and medium-cap stocks. Therefore, investors should be ca ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-19
The boost from China’s latest interest rate cut for the Hong Kong stock market has already faded out. The Hang Seng Index has failed to break the resistance level of 28,000 points, and dropped 1.12 pe ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-13
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) is reviewing its dividend policy after years of investment, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Friday. It has not paid dividend in recent year ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-27
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) will proceed cautiously with its overseas expansion plans amid volatile interest rates. "We are looking at some projects and their investment risk ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-22
Chief Executive CY Leung is clearly running out of options to fill top public service posts, so much so that he seems to be throwing out the government's unofficial handbook, Sun Tzu's Art of War. The ...More
EJ Insight2014-06-09
Taikang Life Insurance Corp. Ltd. on Thursday began construction of its retirement community in Shanghai's Songjiang district, the first such investment by an insurer in the Yangtze River Delta region ...More
EJ Insight2014-04-04
Hong Kong stocks climbed higher Monday as the market celebrated news that Chinese regulators will allow certain companies to issue preferred shares. The benchmark Hang Seng Index gained 1.91 percent t ...More
EJ Insight2014-03-24
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (CTIH, 0966.HK) and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. Ltd. (SPD Bank) (600000.CN) on Thursday entered into a comprehensive business cooperation agreement i ...More
EJ Insight2013-12-27