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... 桂園(02007)、中國太平(00966)、前海人壽及北京投資企業九鼎。報道指出,最後一輪投標的最高出價近10 ...全文


股滙波動 太保新華純利勁挫

內險股季績欠佳,受累於資本市場波動,中國太保(02601)及新華保險(01336)純利分別下跌55.1%及45 ...全文



... 隻人壽保險股份;同業中國太平(00966)和中國平安(02318)都從低位回升而且守得住10天與20天線,相比 ...全文


資金恐慌逃 A股未跌完

橫行了一個月的A股,無力向上突破,結果迎來了大跌。上證指數昨天跌穿3000點大關,收報2972點,下跌2.31 ...全文



❶大市/指數表現 隔晚美股創今年以來新高,港股昨亦創出七連升,不過走勢呈先高後低。恒指高開297點,早段一度急 ...全文


內銀挾淡倉 夜期直撲21000
尾市現大手買盤 傳內險基金掃貨

... 。內險股大多漲3%,中國太平(00966)抽升5.5%。美國聯儲局將「審慎加息」,對息率敏感的地產股及公用股彈 ...全文


太保盈利漲六成 息率3年高

中國太保(02601)及財險(02328)均受惠於投資收益大升令業績報喜。其中太保去年賺177.28億元(人民 ...全文



中國太平(00966)去年股東應佔溢利63.41億元,按年增56.9%,每股基本盈利增23.6%,至1.783 ...全文


資金續回流 港股未彈完

港股連升5周,累漲2352點(12.8%),基金季結及月底期指結算逼近,不過,外圍美股續造好,分析師相信港股仍 ...全文


What investors should watch out for in the fifth plenary session

Hang Seng Index rebounded to over 23,000 points from a low of 20,368 points last week. It seems the market has completed its consolidation. Some analysts believe the index would rise further after bre ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-13

Why investors should focus on 15 stocks

The US Federal Reserve kept its policy interest rate unchanged last week, which is in line with my expectation. This week the market is closely watching the meeting between Chinese leader Xi Jinping a ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-22

China Taiping Insurance slashes equity holding amid stock rout

China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) has been offloading stocks and funds since the end of June amid a market slump. Equity investment in the insurer's portfolio was 6.6 percent at the ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-26

The battle between Chinese damas and fund managers

Most heavyweight Chinese stocks are trading sideways for lack of sufficient liquidity, while hot money has been chasing a large number of small and medium-cap stocks. Therefore, investors should be ca ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-19

Stock market under shade as IPOs share liquidity

The boost from China’s latest interest rate cut for the Hong Kong stock market has already faded out. The Hang Seng Index has failed to break the resistance level of 28,000 points, and dropped 1.12 pe ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

China Taiping to review dividend policy

China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) is reviewing its dividend policy after years of investment, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported Friday. It has not paid dividend in recent year ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-27

Taiping Insurance weighs risk in overseas foray

China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (00966.HK) will proceed cautiously with its overseas expansion plans amid volatile interest rates. "We are looking at some projects and their investment risk ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-22

Will Mouse Killer take star role in west-side saga?

Chief Executive CY Leung is clearly running out of options to fill top public service posts, so much so that he seems to be throwing out the government's unofficial handbook, Sun Tzu's Art of War. The ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-09

Taikang Life building retirement haven in Shanghai, paper says

Taikang Life Insurance Corp. Ltd. on Thursday began construction of its retirement community in Shanghai's Songjiang district, the first such investment by an insurer in the Yangtze River Delta region ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-04

Stocks climb on news of preferred share go-ahead

Hong Kong stocks climbed higher Monday as the market celebrated news that Chinese regulators will allow certain companies to issue preferred shares. The benchmark Hang Seng Index gained 1.91 percent t ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-24

Taiping Insurance, Pudong Devt Bank in tie-up, Xinhua says

China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd. (CTIH, 0966.HK) and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. Ltd. (SPD Bank) (600000.CN) on Thursday entered into a comprehensive business cooperation agreement i ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-27

頁數:1...120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

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