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挑戰為本學習 提升護理學生創新和協作能力

... 008年的一個名為「Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow-Today」的計劃,其目的是透過 ...全文



... 形態其實都驚人相似。Apple和Google雙雙投入無人車及自動駕駛領域;Google、亞馬遜等全球最大的互聯 ...全文


China fires back at US, slaps duties on soybeans, planes

... s made by Apple Inc. and laptops made by Dell were excluded, as were footwear and clothing, drawing a sigh of relief from retailers who had feared higher costs for American consumers. A US industry so ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

Why Apple should develop its own chips for Mac

The news that Apple plans to develop its own chips for its Mac computers, instead of relying on external parties, is not so surprising.  The technology giant has done the same thing on its iPhone, iPa ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

Spotify shares jump in record-setting direct listing

... tion from Apple Inc. and others. “Investors are right to have some reservations. Spotify is from the costs of licensing content,” said Michael Carvin, chief executive of personal finance technology fi ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

Zuckerberg: No plan to extend all of Europe privacy law globally

...  deleted. Apple Inc. and some other tech firms have said they do plan to give people in the United States and elsewhere the same protections and rights that Europeans will gain. Shares of Facebook clo ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04


... X由曾經在蘋果公司(Apple)工作的學者Don Norman奠基,他說過:「當科技提供我們日常生活所需,UX ...全文


Two Baptist University students vow to appeal against suspension

Two Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) students said they would appeal their suspension, which they consider totally unjust, and seek a judicial review if necessary, Apple Daily reports. Former stude ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-03

Huawei and Xiaomi challenge Apple with latest offerings

Chinese smartphone makers have unveiled their flagship models for this year amid weak market response to the latest offerings of Apple and Samsung Electronics. Samsung’s Galaxy S9 series has failed to ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

Police strengthen patrol at ticket outlets for Mayday concerts

... wn tents, Apple Daily reports. On Saturday, several men, suspected to be members of a ticket scalping gang, accused a group of mainland students queuing up to buy the tickets of taking their spots at ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

FAANG大地震 牛市恐難撐

... ok(fb)、蘋果(Apple)、亞馬遜(Amazon)、Netflix及Google。Google現在是Al ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2018年03月29日


... 達通卡收錢功能。 而Apple手機用戶需配置藍牙讀卡器才可啟用八達通卡收款功能,但張耀堂表示,不介意贊助報商購 ...全文


Foxconn unit to buy US peripherals maker Belkin for US$866 mln

... embler of Apple Inc.’s iPhones, has been working to diversify its business from contract manufacturing. In 2016, founder and chairman Terry Gou bought Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp for US$3. ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-28

【異動板塊】蘋概股受壓 瑞聲跌逾4%

美國蘋果公司昨日舉行春季發布會,宣布推出一款9.7吋屏幕的平價新iPad,將支持Apple Pencil繪畫工 ...全文


Apple unveils new iPad, software with eye on education market

Apple Inc. rolled out a new iPad and classroom software aimed at grabbing more of the US education market. However, the tech giant did not cut the price of its entry-level tablet despite schools flock ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-28

蘋果推平價9.7吋iPad 支持Apple Pencil

蘋果公司周二在芝加哥舉行的春季發布會,宣布推出一款9.7吋屏幕的新型iPad,新iPad支持Apple Pen ...全文



... 新iPad配備觸控筆Apple Pencil,並包含所有蘋果最新的文字處理、電子試算表和簡報(presenta ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年03月28日

Dozens stage rally for protection of Nam Sang Wai wetlands

... o-system, Apple Daily reports. Located in the north of Yuen Long and crisscrossed by the Kam Tin River in the New Territories, the Nam Sang Wai wetland is considered to be of great ecological value. T ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-26

New Media boom spurs greater demand for authentic news

... cre. With Apple's Macintosh system and new software like Postscript, Photoshop and Pagemaker, WYSIWYG technology was created, allowing users to view on the screen something very close to the end print ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-26


... 覽中看到蘋果,不認為Apple Watch是手錶,甚至覺得應只限瑞士公司參展。但比韋說,Apple Watch ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年03月26日

頁數:1...125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 ...150

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