
共 2695 個結果
頁數:1...125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 ...135

Uber chief must face price-fixing lawsuit, says judge

A US judge has cleared the way for antitrust lawsuits against Uber's chief executive after the ride-hailing company failed to win dismissal of price-fixing charges. Travis Kalanick must face claims he ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

不管人腦電腦 能賺錢便是好腦

... 者安心的信心。 一如Uber的崛起最重要是政策的配合及大勢所趨,現在全球監管機構均要求增加透明度及逐步走向以收 ...全文


Airbnb and Uber: Which has better prospects?

... ice apps, Uber has been described as the Airbnb of the taxi market. The New York Times estimated that Uber was valued at US$62.5 billion as of December last year. However, the company has yet to make ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-30


... 上漲。網購固不待言,Uber和Airbnb的興起,背後代表的是「分享經濟學」的崛起。今試問,全球汽車的使用率是 ...全文



... 濟平台AirBnB、Uber和GoGoVan的觀察。 上周初有事與家人到澳洲西部城巿柏斯,順道旅遊。自從有Ai ...全文



召車軟件Uber(優步)行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)【圖】表示,中國業務有望在兩年內賺錢 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月29日


... 星、同時入股其貨運版UBER快貨運,就是要染指共用經濟,日後再談。 回顧近年多個紅遍中港的明星,一旦進駐上市公 ...全文


Driverless cars in Asia - the challenges to overcome

... reams (as Uber has for taxis), and eventually to lead to a wholesale rewriting of traffic laws, insurance provisions and supply chain relationships. We're already getting a taste of what issues driver ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19

Uber cuts fares by 20% for some Hong Kong services

Uber has reduced the fares for some of its UberX rides in Hong Kong in a bid to lure more customers for the low-cost service that was launched in the city in December last year, Singtao Daily reported ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

支付螞蟻 中國巴閉

... 值僅次於美國召車軟件Uber(優步),後者經過最近一輪集資後,估值超過600億美元。 600億美元對小小的螞蟻 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月14日

WeWork攻華 弘毅打本

... 市公司)中,召車軟件Uber(優步)屬最高調的一家。Uber在中國與地頭蟲對手滴滴快車鬥得難分難解,滴滴快車去 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月14日

Uber driver admits shooting 6 people dead in Michigan

A man working as an Uber driver admitted to the shooting rampage that killed six people in Kalamazoo, Michigan over the weekend, a police detective testified on Monday. Jason Dalton, 45, was denied ba ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-23

Uber driver suspected in deadly Michigan shootings

A suspected Uber driver might have picked up passengers during a deadly rampage in which six people were killed and two others injured. The random shootings took place in the Michigan city of Kalamazo ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-22

Uber losing US$1 bln a year to compete in China

Uber Technologies Inc. is losing more than US$1 billion a year in China as it competes with local rival Didi Kuaidi, chief executive Travis Kalanick said. The company's Chinese business boosted its va ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-19

How technology can make legal services more accessible to SMEs

... logy like Uber and Airbnb in daily life, lawyer-free, virtual courtrooms are probably too transformative for our officials’ yesterday-oriented mindset. -- Contact us at [email protected] FL ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-16

Can an Elon Musk succeed in Hong Kong?

... lesson of Uber indeed speaks volumes about how non-receptive our government is to new technologies. Taking the initiative to understand new technologies and allowing them in daily life applications, a ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-05

Taxi-hailing Apps: To ban or to regulate? [Part II]

Uber's arrival in Hong Kong drew fierce protests from the taxi industry. Meanwhile, the service quality of taxis has been a widespread concern. Complaints about taxi drivers being rude, refusing hire ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-30

Hong Kong will continue to support startups, says John Tsang

... , head of Uber Hong Kong, was among the audience at the forum which was organized by local startup community Startmeup.hk. Gellman refused to comment when asked which department was hosting him for an ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27

Uber prepares US meal delivery service

App-based transport service provider Uber Technologies Inc. is set to roll out a meal delivery service across 10 cities in the United States. In the coming weeks, customers in such cities as Los Angel ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21

Hungary taxi drivers demand Uber shutdown

Taxi drivers in Hungary's capital staged a protest against ride-hailing service Uber, amid new regulations setting a fixed tariff for traditional taxi firms that is higher than Uber's. Taxis blocked a ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19

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