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金價連升11日 創紀錄新高

... 息公布後,原先上升的ICE美滙指數升幅收窄,暫升0.1%。 Anthem Gold行政總裁Anthem Bla ...全文


What a difference a day makes for New People's Party

... nter Solstice) and before December 24th (Christmas Eve), which any kindergarten pupil would know should have been December 23rd. But blame it on the calendar orders most probably being a rush job, or ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-05

美滙回落 歐羅創3年新高

美國經濟數據較預期佳,但美元滙價再度回落,歐羅兌美元升至3年高位。 ICE美滙指數跌0.4%至91.809。W ...全文


期金連升10天 6年最長

... 。不過,消息未有刺激ICE美滙指數扳升,後者在期金收市時跌0.3%,挨近3個月低位。 ThinkMarkets ...全文


What the first 2018 home sale launch tells us about the market

There aren't too many eyebrows being raised as Sun Hung Kai Properties launches its first residential project in Ma On Shan that will see units priced at nearly HK$17,000 per square foot on average. C ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-04

經濟數據佳 美滙止五連跌

美國聯儲局公布上月議息紀錄後,美元滙價上揚,終止連跌5天走勢。 ICE美滙指數升0.4%至92.193。WSJ ...全文


監管新規生效 歐市交投減

... 歐洲洲際期貨交易所(ICE Futures Europe),以及德國的歐洲期貨交易所(Eurex),昨天臨開市 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月04日

美滙連跌5天 創3個月低位

... 下滑,繼續利淡美滙。ICE美滙指數周二下滑0.3%,報91.875,是去年9月以來最低。WSJ美滙指數倒退0. ...全文


美滙疲 金價連升8天

... 以來最高。 較早時,ICE美滙指數延續此前4天的下滑勢頭。FXTM分析員Lukman Otunuga表示,美滙 ...全文


Mainland migrant suspected of killing, dismembering daughter, 12

Police suspect the horrific murder and dismembering of a 12-year-old girl over the weekend was done by her mother, who did so while she was in a confused state of mind after taking an illegal drug, Ap ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-19

香港限定 「芝」味Café

... 品「Cow Cow Ice北海道牛奶芝士軟雪糕」及香港獨家限定的「Tiramisu Roll意大利芝士卷」,為 ...全文



可還記得3年前席捲全球的「冰桶挑戰」(Ice Bucket Challenge)熱潮嗎?此項挑戰發起人謝奈嘉( ...全文



... 。 1月份美元貶值(ICE美元現貨指數跌1.5%)。不少亞洲貨幣相對美元上升:韓圜升2.9%、馬來西亞令吉升3 ...全文


Intercontinental Exchange holds back on crypto-futures

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) has put a lot of thought into the idea of futures contracts on cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, but has yet to move forward due to the opaque nature of the underlying mar ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-06

Alaska: So cold, so far and so rich

... as Arctic ice continues to melt amid the global warming and opens up new shipping routes, Alaska may not only find more untapped natural resources within easy reach but may also emerge as a key shippi ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-01

冰桶挑戰先驅逝世 喚世人關注「奇症」

全球3年前掀起「冰桶挑戰」(Ice Bucket Challenge)熱潮,發起人塞內爾基亞(Anthony ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月01日


... e,Vanilla Ice Cream,Chocolate Sauce朱古力梳夫里、雲呢拿雪糕。 芝士雜錦拼盤 ...全文


Ordering food from e-platforms? Consumer Council issues caveat

There is no doubt the booming online food ordering platforms allow consumers who do not feel like eating out to enjoy the convenience of home delivery, but the prices charged by most of the operators ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-16

Tencent aims to stay competitive with a buying spree

... g on thin ice every day, and we’re constantly worried that a tiny mistake may change everything," he added. In 2011, a Tencent team proposed to develop the social media mobile application WeChat, but ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-14

Tesla離地 勁蝕仍唱慢板

... 。根據金融數據供應商ICE Data Service,這批債券從每1美元值97美仙的交易價格,跌至現在的94美 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年11月06日

頁數:1...126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 ...143

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