【新股追蹤】3新股今登場 杉杉暗盤炒高16% 三隻新股周三掛牌,資料顯示,杉杉品牌(01749)暗盤收報4.3 ...全文
越秀收購創興銀行(01111)兩年,2014年業績增長42%,2015年增長51%,繼續進步,而股價則未反映其 ...全文
Using sociologist Max Weber's theory, the people of Hong Kong can be categorized into four classes: the billionaires, the upper middle class, the lower middle class and the grass roots. Obviously, the ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-26
The government recently released a public consultation paper on its proposed universal retirement scheme. From the contents of this paper to its wording, its analysis and the options it provides, I ha ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-31
MTR Corp. (00066.HK), a brand that once commanded respect and confidence from a lot of Hongkongers, has been engulfed by scandals in recent years. Among them are the serious delays and catastrophic co ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-26