中證監要求排查場外配資,加上貿談吹冷風,A股今日顯著下挫,滬指收穿三千點。港股則好淡角力,十天線展現韌力。 隔 ...全文
市場憧憬中美貿易談判快將有成果,中港股市復見升勢,恒指短期有力升返二萬九附近水平。 隔晚美股三大指數漲跌不一, ...全文
不少工業巨擘向華爾街發放類似的利好消息,指出全球日漸都市化,對機械需求大增,旗下產品將不可或缺。可惜這類雄心勃 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年03月13日
Singapore suspended operations of all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in and out of Changi airport on Tuesday, and Indonesia and China grounded their fleets of the US planemaker’ s latest model after it suffe ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-12
隔晚美國科技股顯著造好,料港股今早有力挑戰廿天線阻力,平保(02318)今日放榜受關注。 周一美股先低後高,收 ...全文
A股不脫又要炒又怕爆倉的格局,滬指上周五急跌4.4%後,昨天約90隻電力物聯網概念股漲停(升10%),創業板指 ...全文
埃塞俄比亞航空(下稱埃航)前天空難造成機上157人全部死亡,中國民航局昨天率先要求國內航空公司停飛涉事的波音7 ...全文
埃塞俄比亞航空一架波音737 MAX 8客機昨日在飛往肯尼亞途中墜毀,機上157人全部罹難。外交部核實機上共有 ...全文
All 189 people on board an Indonesian airliner that crashed into the sea on Monday are feared dead, Reuters reports, citing officials. Lion Air flight JT610, an almost new Boeing 737 MAX 8, was trying ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-30
印尼昨天發生嚴重空難,廉航獅子航空(Lion Air)一架內陸客機起飛13分鐘後,墜入超過30米深的海域,救援 ...全文
An Indonesian aircraft with 189 people on board crashed into the sea and sank on Monday soon after taking off from the capital, Jakarta, on a flight to a tin-mining region, Reuters reports, citing off ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-29