... adding that there is nothing in the merger that will guarantee more towers and coverage for certain communities. James said the lawsuit was not filed to influence the Justice Department’s decision on ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-12
The top US antitrust enforcer said studying enforcement actions against Standard Oil and AT&T decades ago can help lay the groundwork for looking at possible anti-competitive behavior at today’s t ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-12
特朗普身在英國無法收看霍士新聞台,於Twitter批評美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)全部都是負面報道,他觀看「一會 ...全文
MSCI指數實施第一階段「A股擴容」昨天收市後生效,而「入富」名單亦已於上周公布,對5月持續有外資流走的內地股 ...全文
MSCI指數實施第一階段「A股擴容」昨天收市後生效,而「入富」名單亦已於上周公布,對5月持續有外資流走的內地股 ...全文
虛擬貨幣去年飽嘗跌市的痛楚後,今年首季開始回勇,比特幣昨天更升穿8900美元,曾見8942美元,升過10.2% ...全文
隨着美國大選將近,分拆科技公司的建議已成為政治人物的選舉議題。到底這些富可敵國、對社會和政治影響力日漸龐大的科 ...全文
... up and that the Justice Department’s antitrust division needs to begin an investigation. Antitrust law makes such a proposal tough to execute because the government would have to take the company to ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-10
... trating that the firm has market power in the industry and that the deal has hurt consumers by pushing up prices or reducing product quality. This could be particularly hard in the case of Facebook or ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-10
... es that beat those in phones from Samsung and other manufacturers using Google’s Android mobile operating system. But Android partners have seen little threat as demand slowed for phones priced above ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-08
《紐約郵報》引述消息人士稱,美國司法部長巴爾(William Barr)決定不插手當地第三大電訊商T-Mobi ...全文
全香港有500萬名10歲以上的人士擁有智能手機,覆蓋率近九成。對於青少年來說,身為「數位原住民(Digital ...全文