香港版支付寶AlipayHK早前宣布可應付大灣區9個城市的跨境支付,內地《中國證券報》報道,該電子錢包已獲人民 ...全文
屈臣氏蒸餾水與AlipayHK昨宣布合作,支持「Go Green由我做先」行動,屈臣氏實業董事總經理陳雲美【圖 ...全文
AlipayHK與麥當勞合作,在麥當勞應用程式中增設AlipayHK付款選項。Alipay Payment S ...全文
AlipayHK公布,與香港麥當勞聯手推動餐飲業務數碼轉型,開啟未來餐廳革新模式,首次於麥當勞App增設使用A ...全文
... platform. AlipayHK aims to be one of the city’s leading mobile payment platforms, and it is rapidly expanding its coverage from shops and restaurants to public transport systems such as minibuses and ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-12
... 總裁陳婉真表示,目前AlipayHK用戶達200萬名,加盟商戶約有5萬個,今年致力維持增長,並希望拓展至其他交 ...全文
... 及電車。 3月1日起AlipayHK支援大灣區9個城市的跨境支付,陳婉真指出,2月底測試時已有少量用戶使用,交 ...全文
AlipayHK今日舉行「智慧出行 零束縛生活」啟動儀式,現時用戶在AlipayHK外遊合作商戶消費,只需打開 ...全文
... 布2018年下半年「AlipayHK智慧支付普及指數」調查結果,普及指數比半年前首次發布時上升8.3,達到62 ...全文
... s such as AlipayHK, PPS and credit card and PPS to settle their online transactions. Alibaba Group, according to local media reports, stopped its partnership with Octopus because of the latter's low u ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-02
... pple Pay, AlipayHK and Google Pay. In addition, we will collect and aggregate the data of consumers' shopping preferences, browsing rate, and other relevant sales information to provide insightful cha ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-14