正股表現:蘋果公司於美國時間本周二發布新一代iPhone、iPad及Apple Watch,以及舊款產品的售價 ...全文
Apple held its annual fall event on Tuesday, taking the lid off new products and services and aiming to generate excitement in the market ahead of the crucial holiday season. As expected by many indu ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-12
港股昨日午市前突然抽升,傳聞政府或在收市後回應示威者餘下四大訴求其中一項,投資者憧憬重演上周三(4日)特首正式 ...全文
港股昨日午市前突然抽升,傳聞政府或在收市後回應示威者餘下四大訴求其中一項,投資者憧憬重演上周三(4日)特首正式 ...全文
高盛料美國經濟三成機會陷入衰退高盛將未來12個月美國經濟陷入衰退的機會,調高至25%至30%,仍建議投資者投資 ...全文
美國蘋果公司宣布推出Apple Watch第5代,屏幕實現常亮顯示訊息。 蘋果於本港時間周三凌晨1時,在加州總 ...全文
摩根士丹利指出,預料蘋果公司今季的應用商店App Store營業收入將迎來大幅增長,同時預測除了新款iPhon ...全文
好多人或許會認為蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)是千禧年代才成立的,其實不然。其已故創辦人喬布斯(Steve ...全文
立訊精密(002475.SZ)早段曾挫5.6%,見24元(人民幣‧下同),最新跌幅收窄至1.1%,成交額17. ...全文
US President Donald Trump said he had spoken with Apple Inc.’s chief executive Tim Cook about the impact of US tariffs on Chinese imports as well as competition from South Korean company Samsung Elect ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-19
Apple’s shares rose more than 4 percent in early trading on Wednesday as investors accepted the fact that iPhone is no longer the technology giant's crown jewel and that the company appears to have sh ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-01
iPhone sales dropped to less than half of Apple's quarterly revenue for the first time in seven years, a development that CEO Tim Cook described as a reflection of the firm's successful efforts to red ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-31
外電報道,蘋果公司已向美國貿易代表處申請,將Mac Pro電腦的主要組件排除在進口關稅徵收範圍外。美國貿易代表 ...全文
蘋果公司向特朗普政府申請將Mac Pro電腦的組件排除在進口關稅徵收範圍外。 《華爾街日報》上月報道,蘋果將把 ...全文
現代人講求效率,最好一部手機有齊多樣功能。本地「果粉」望穿秋水,終於有望透過Apple Pay使用八達通。 料 ...全文
八達通卡有限公司表示,一向致力提供創新的支付服務,以配合客戶多元化支付需要,今年稍後客戶將可在iPhone或 ...全文
Apple announced last Thursday that its chief design officer Jony Ive will leave the company later this year to start his own firm. However, Ive's association with the US tech firm doesn't end there as ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-02
蘋果公司首席設計師伊夫(Jonathan Ive)將於今年底離開蘋果自立門戶,夥拍蘋果團隊另一設計師紐森(Ma ...全文