... 型號Aviator Grand Touring。 獲補貼的車型幾乎全由美國本土品牌囊括,在北美沒有生產設施的南 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 10座高層F室,實用面積592方呎,3房連儲物房間隔,月租叫價2.08萬元,家庭議價 ...全文
... 維港滙II、新地元朗Grand YOHO第2期、恒地(00012)旗下粉嶺發展項目One Innovale第3 ...全文
將軍澳日出康城GRAND MONTARA 1A座低層B室,實用面積約760方呎,3房套房間隔,向東北,外望動感 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 9座低層F室,實用面積799方呎,3房套房連儲物套房間隔,開價1300萬元,累減10 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 1座高層C室,實用面積616方呎,3房連露台,買方成功議價53.2萬元後,以1146 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 1座中層A室,實用面積498方呎,2房單位,間隔實用。買家為區內人士,觀望多時,新近 ...全文
... 將軍澳日出康城7B期GRAND MONTARA,2019年6月盡推全盤504伙,當時更一炮沽清。 另外,瑜一第 ...全文
... 做直播,無啦啦着到好grand(隆重)咁仲奇怪,可能着件睡衣已經好多人like(點讚),當然套睡衣背後或者都係 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 1座中層F室,實用面積508方呎,屬兩房連露台單位,面向正東,景觀開揚。買家為首置客 ...全文
... tion on a grand scale deserves to be rewarded. And the CFTC collected far more in fines from the LIBOR scandal than it paid in whistleblower compensation. Everyone involved in the Russian oil trade sh ...More
EJ Insight2023-03-03
... tiate the grand visions and grandiose ideologies of a select few leaders? There are a few takeaways that I thought would be of interest. The first, is the dangers of playing with fire in international ...More
EJ Insight2023-02-24
... 部署。 新地同系元朗Grand YOHO第2期昨天開售10伙,為《財政預算案》後首個即時受惠新盤,共沽6伙,有 ...全文
尖沙咀柯士甸站GRAND AUSTIN 3座中層C室,實用面積1228方呎,4房套房連工人套房間隔,外望西南維 ...全文
... nched the Grand Bargain initiative in 2016, committing to providing 25% of humanitarian funding to local organizations. But seven years after the agreement was announced, the figure is still less than ...More
EJ Insight2023-02-17
... 為佳豐集團有限公司(Grand Forum Holdingd Limited),董事為張文生,名下持有大生集團 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 9座中層E室,實用面積592方呎,2房間隔,外望內園池景,原業主最初叫價約1050萬 ...全文