... Partners, IDG Capital Partners, Microsoft Ventures, Vangoo Investment Partners, and Alibaba’s domestic Internet rival Tencent Holdings (00700.HK). Since its founding by then university student Qi Juny ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-01
... 電盈為減債將持股連同IDG一起賣給Naspers,當年的作價為9800萬元。今時今日,騰訊市值高達3萬多億元, ...全文
... s include IDG Capital, Qiming Ventures, home appliance maker Suning Holdings Group and file-sharing service Xunlei. While GoPro has been reporting substantial losses and a downturn in sales, Liu told ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-21
... 元,過去的支持者還有IDG Capital、啓明創投、家電製造商蘇寧控股集團,以及文件共享服務迅雷。 深圳嵐鋒 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年03月21日
... 依次序分別是深創投、IDG及君聯。據統計,2018年人民幣基金以A股上市退出最強的深創投只上了6家企業,相對前 ...全文
... ds led by IDG in A series funding in 2016. It raised another 400 million yuan in B series funding in April this year, which values the company above 6 billion yuan. The taste is just one element that ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-28
... China and IDG Capital. In an announcement made on its official WeChat account, Yuanfudao, which means “ape tutor” in Mandarin, said it will use the fresh capital to invest further in developing ‘smart ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-27
... 元,並於2016年獲IDG基金領投1億元A輪融資;及至今年4月,該公司完成4億元B輪融資,估值逾60億元。 排 ...全文
... 的合作關係。 另外,IDG China Capital Fund III L.P.之直接控股附屬公司,將購買A ...全文
... obal, and IDG Capital. Shen expects improved battery technology over the next three to four years, which will enable an electric car to achieve the distance and power of a typical fuel car. He is also ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-06
IDG能源投資(00650)宣布,透過全資子公司與準時達及管理團隊簽訂合資協議,成立上海準時達能源供應鏈有限公 ...全文
IDG能源投資(00650)宣布,透過全資子公司與準時達及管理團隊簽訂合資協議,成立上海準時達能源供應鏈有限公 ...全文
... 騰體育產業基金,以及IDG資本等,已成為該平台的創始投資者。 看好平台在華前景 愛奇藝體育集合愛奇藝及新英體育 ...全文
... 健騰體育產業基金將和IDG資本等投資機構一起成為愛奇藝體育的創始投資人,標誌愛奇藝體育順利完成A輪融資。 愛奇 ...全文