香港餐飲聯業協會會長黃家和指出,飲食業上半年整體生意額跌幅已經超過15%,未來半年料再跌10%,餐飲商過往為刺 ...全文
Hong Kong police will deploy more officers at popular spots such as parks where young people appear to be gathering at odd hours to try out the Pokémon GO game, the city's police chief said. Police Co ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-27
AR(擴增實境)手機遊戲Pokémon GO橫掃澳、紐、美、日等地,但樂極生悲的新聞也不斷,自上周在日本推出以 ...全文
全城翹首以待的手機遊戲Pokémon GO終於登陸香港,一眾精靈訓練員玩得投入,不少企業亦趁機與民同樂,希望帶 ...全文
人到底是理性還是非理性?萬眾期待的AR(Augmented Reality,擴增實境)手機遊戲Pokémon ...全文
尤小姐留意到外國有意外涉及Pokémon GO,故十分擔心16歲兒子出街捉精靈,得悉兒子約朋友到維園,她不惜悄 ...全文
潛藏的精靈快出來,拾起香港的碎片! 炎夜,往平日遊人稀疏的海邊公園,一路上都是捧着手機的男男女女。不擠,大家友 ...全文
新遊戲推出撞正暑假,不少學生紛紛上街捉精靈。由於玩家之間流傳各區的公園都有多個Pokéstop(遊戲中的補給站 ...全文
We'd like to give some friendly reminders to players of Pokémon GO, the wildly popular augmented reality smartphone game that made its debut in Hong Kong on Monday. First, the game can cause real-life ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-26
I am used to colleagues discussing major soccer matches overnight, or commenting on the latest hit movie, but since when has video gaming been such an important part of daily life? Following the long- ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-26
港股今早或跟隨隔晚美股調整,恒指短期或下試10天平均線約21800點附近水平,投資者關注收市競價交易實施後,大 ...全文
Pokémon GO昨晨11時15分登陸香港!老紀都「唔執輸」,一早化身「小精靈訓練員」與各位「同伴」四出起動 ...全文
港人翹首以待的AR(Augmented Reality,擴增實境)手機遊戲Pokémon GO終於登陸香港,並 ...全文
隔晚美股造好,標普500指數創歷史新高,港股昨日(25日)高開逾100點,重上22000點水平,見全日高位22 ...全文