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... 本構建「戰略菱形」(Quad)和發展多項新型武器,包括網絡武器。美國也強化對中國的敵對姿態,加強對香港、新疆和 ...全文


蓬佩奧訪日蒙韓 收緊反華圍堵網

... 的「四方安全對話」(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,Quad)第二次外長會議。 ...全文



... 與「四方安全對話」(Quad)架構成員國澳洲、印度及日本的外長舉行4邊會談。外界認為,此行是在中美關係惡化之際 ...全文



... 成「四方安全對話」(Quad)的戰略集團,旨在制衡中國,並促進四國對印太自由開放的願景。今次是繼去年在紐約後, ...全文


中印一旦開戰 印太亂成一團

... 是「四方安全對話」(Quad)成員美國、印度、澳洲和日本團結軍事力量抵禦中國的潛在挑戰。一旦中印開戰,美國是否 ...全文



... 方安全對話2.0」(QUAD 2.0)後,仍未確立明確的戰略共識,成效尚待觀察。 安倍內閣對區域多邊合作機制的 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點馮嘉誠2020年09月05日

人幣強結合內循環 加速國際化勿失機

... 攏「四方安全對話」(Quad)的成員國印度、澳洲和日本,企圖成立類似北約(NATO)的軍事聯盟,旨在壓制中國。 ...全文


美國漸棄模糊戰略 兩岸關係更趨緊張

... 與「四方安全對話」(Quad)成員國印度、澳洲和日本成立類似北約(NATO)的軍事組織,以防範「來自中國的潛在 ...全文



... 的「印太四國聯盟」(Quad)。 現實是跟東南亞國家與中國在南海的領海糾紛一樣,印度現面對由西向東延綿數千公里 ...全文


新德里持續反華 印度洋風雲驟變

... 成「四方安全對話」(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, QUAD),但因為印度採 ...全文


中國崛興印度忐忑 美國介入中印難安

... eptic)四國」(Quad)。「四國」極可能在短期內進行聯合海軍演練,目的在向中國展示「肌肉」,盲人可見。 ...全文


Huawei unveils P40 smartphones in online event

... e triple, quad and penta-camera configurations and "overflow” displays that curve over all four edges of the devices, Reuters reports.  Yu said the P40 series set the bar higher again in camera techno ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-27

Huawei faces a tough battle amid global 5G rollout

... eploys a “quad-layer” construction for the screen to make it stronger. The phone also comes with an improved design of the hinge. Mate XS also upgrades its processor to Kirin 990 with an integrated 5G ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11

Huawei displays resilience with Mate XS launch

... t uses a “quad-layer” construction for the screen. There are two layers of polyamide film on top, which are stuck together by a clear adhesive. Below is the flexible OLED display. Then there’s a soft ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-25


... 後有一個名為The Quad的中央區,沒有藏書,而是充滿着各樣枱椅和梳化的大型「社區客廳」,人們不僅可在此進行 ...全文


Do we need a 64-megapixel phone camera?

... as '64 MP Quad Camera Xpert', is expected to bear Samsung’s new ISOCELL Bright GW1 sensor. According to market chatter, the upcoming handset will be equipped with a wide-angle lens, a macro camera, an ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-28

OnePlus 7 Pro set to challenge top rivals in premium segment

...  6.7-inch Quad HD+ Super AMOLED display with a high refresh rate of 90Hz. A high refresh rate screen means a much clearer picture on the screen, which is crucial for mobile game players as the picture ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-25

China cable network reform: what it means for telecom industry

... e or even quad play in the market to catch up with the telecom carriers. China Broadcasting is preparing to launch a mobile network using the 700MHz spectrum band. The spectrum is currently being used ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-09

Huawei needs to learn soft-selling skills

... h a Leica quad-camera system. The four cameras include a 20 megapixel ultra wide angle camera, a 40 megapixel main camera with optical image stabilization, a telephoto camera and a time-of-flight came ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28

Huawei bets on P30 series to boost market share amid US moves

... ce with a quad-camera setup equipped with 10x zoom in 2019, although it remains unclear whether the P30 would come with four cameras or just three – or if the 10x zoom capability is optical or digital ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-20

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