
共 324 個結果
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Govt to revise curriculum for a patriotic view of HK history

... raise the unity and cohesion of China, and there was only brief mention of the long history of insurrections and divisions in China. The new curriculum could only lead to the impression that China was ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-04

Europe's leadership crisis

... isplay of unity revealed only further division. EU leaders must take responsibility for this latest failure. For starters, they must stop issuing empty declarations. The EU's institutional impotence i ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-26

Beijing paving the way for stricter Article 23 implementation

...  nation's unity and territorial integrity, and involves serious unlawful means such as levying war or force. "Unless the activities involve secessionist acts of levying war, force or serious unlawful ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

What's new in Hong Kong's ballet scene

... oncept of unity of man and universe in the spiritual realm. There seems to be a goddess figure in a fine dance by Jin Yao. She leads mankind from darkness to light which represents hope. The dancers w ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-12

Japan's Emperor Akihito hints at wish to abdicate

... e and the unity of the people, and has no political power. Akihito stopped short of saying outright that he wanted to abdicate, which could be interpreted as interfering in politics. "When I consider ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08

Why the 2017 Dutch election will be watched very closely

... l put the unity of the EU another rigorous test. If the Dutch people also vote to leave the EU, it will not only have far-reaching implications for the Dutch themselves, but also for the British. It i ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-04

Millions seek Brexit referendum do-over

...  European unity since World War II, are divided over how swiftly divorce talks should start. Paris wants haste, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging patience. European Commission President Je ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

Democracy and self-determination: A lesson from Wukan

... ested the unity of the pro-Beijing bloc. This time, Beijing thinks the later the race begins, the less likely it will get out of control. If it decides to jettison Leung at the last minute, that shoul ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-24

Britain votes to leave EU, says BBC; global markets plunge

... e greater unity since World War Two, Reuters reports. World financial markets dived as counting from 304 of 382 areas showed a 51.5/48.5 split for leaving, the news agency said. Sterling suffered its ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-24

Brexit - a threat to our way of life

... f any community to absorb patently foreign in-comers depends upon proportions. A gradual absorption, phased so as to impose the least strains on resources, is the ideal. But Europe is facing a refugee ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21


... 為護士團隊預先打點。Unity是一種文化。 醫療科技日新月異,如果沒有提升自己的決心,實在難以應付臨床需要。所 ...全文


Brexit would threaten UK unity, former British PMs warn

Former British prime ministers Tony Blair and John Major warned Thursday against the so-called Brexit, saying a vote to leave the European Union will jeopardize the unity of the United Kingdom. If Bri ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-10

Will media interviews help CY Leung boost his falling ratings?

Hong Kong people are seeing a lot of Leung Chun-ying these days. The Chief Executive is making use of every opportunity to be in the public eye, granting interviews to television programs and radio ta ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-01

Facebook breaks down Rio Olympics frenzy

... ional community will need to put some muscle behind their mobile presence and keep campaigns running around the clock, Facebook said. Thanks to mobile, the opening ceremonies will be more open than ev ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-31

Communist Party suspends Ren Zhiqiang’s membership

...  sense of unity within the party, and doesn’t want internal contradictions to spill out into the open”, well-known China watcher and academic Willy Lam was quoted as saying. -- Contact us at english@h ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-03

Pro-independence genie can't be put back in the bottle

... the opportunity to determine its own future in the run-up to that fateful date when all treaties relating to the 1997 handover of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty expire. Among the options mentioned i ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

Hong Kong has reached a political dead end

... political unity and harmony if a victory by the establishment camp in September gives it enough votes to pass Article 23 legislation and Beijing’s framework for the 2022 election for chief executive? ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-15

34 killed in latest car bomb attack in Ankara

...  nation's unity and solidarity, do not weaken our resolve in fighting terrorism but bolster our determination," President Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement. Two senior security officials told Reuters ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-14

Li tells Xinjiang to develop its Uyghur heartland

... nd ethnic unity and national security," Li said. He said Xinjiang is "generally stable" at present. Turning to the topic of the heavily Uyghur southern part of Xinjiang, where much of the unrest has o ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-11

Violent terrorism in Xinjiang has declined, says party boss

... nd ethnic unity had undergone "heartening changes" and the people and officials were in "good spirits", Zhang said in the Tuesday briefing. China said in November that security forces had killed 28 me ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-09

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