
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 ...150

Junius Ho escapes Legco censure over 'kill without mercy' remark

... l acts, , Apple Daily reports. When it was Ho’s turn to speak, he was clearly in rage as he slammed democrats for supporting anti-China "traitors", and turned around some words that disqualified pro-i ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-19

Demosistō's Agnes Chow registers as Hong Kong Island candidate

... tituency, Apple Daily reports. She was accompanied by party comrades, including Demosistō chairman Nathan Law Kwun-chung, who won the Hong Kong Island seat in last year's election but was later disqua ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-19

南韓消費者團體起訴庫克 因iPhone速度變慢

... 繫到蘋果的南韓分公司Apple Korea發表評論。   ...全文



... 成式揚聲器系統,支援Apple AirPlay、藍牙等音頻流媒體技術,WebOS 3.5系統,55吋和65吋兩 ...全文


蘋果「班資」回美 5年投資2340億
回應稅改方案 員工獲近2萬元紅股

... App Store和Apple Music等服務而設的數據中心上。 消息人士透露,蘋果周三通知員工,公司因應稅 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月19日

Rivalry in smart speaker market heating up

... ollars to Apple each year to have its search engine installed on iPhones. Having learnt the importance of the gateway to internet, Google wants to build up its own user base through smart speakers. Bo ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-18

Apple to pay US$38 bln in foreign cash taxes, create 20,000 jobs

Apple Inc. plans to make a one-time tax payment of US$38 billion on profits overseas and boost spending in the United States, the Wall Street Journal reports, amid criticism that it is outsourcing man ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-18

Man accused of hitting newborn daughter could face 10 years jail

... ber 2016, Apple Daily reports. The reason he did that was because he couldn't stand the infant cry and scream, according to prosecutors. The baby, who Chung had with his girlfriend, was less than a mo ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-17

智慧音箱新戰場 誰是科網王中王

... iPhone的製造商Apple,三家A字開頭企業,將決出誰才是真正的王中王? 蘋果公司大概可先不理,iPhon ...全文


Costlier thermal underwear not necessarily better, tests show

The Consumer Council has found wide disparities in the quality of thermal underwear, noting that more expensive products are not necessarily better, Apple Daily reports. The watchdog recently ran test ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-16

Pan-democrats vow to stand united behind winners of primaries

... st seats, Apple Daily reports. Dr. Edward Yiu Chung-yim, former lawmaker from the architectural, surveying, planning and landscape functional constituency, who was disqualified along with three other ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-16

Apple, Tencent reach deal over WeChat 'tipping' feature

Apple and Tencent have reached a deal that will allow the users of WeChat, Tencent's popular messaging app, to resume giving in-app monetary gifts to content creators, the Wall Street Journal reports. ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-16


... stor),如蘋果(Apple)的多個「積極投資者」建議該公司最好把現金的用途,「回饋」給投資者。無可否認,有 ...全文


Wang Zhimin remarks raise fears of more Beijing interference

...  fashion, Apple Daily reports. Sai Wan is where the Beijing's top envoy in the territory resides, while Central refers to the SAR government. Wang said such a relationship will produce more outcomes t ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-15

South Korean man arrested over Ritz-Carlton double murder

...  the bed, Apple Daily reports. The wife, 42, had multiple wounds to the neck while the boy's throat was cut. After he was put in an ambulance, the suspect kept shouting, struggling and vomiting, promp ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-15


... 3400億美元,不到Apple公司市值四成,對市場影響有限。若和黃金總值(包括還未開採的)8萬多億美元比較,更 ...全文



... e的叫餐平台已擴展至Apple Watch、Amazon Echo、Ford SYNC、Samsung Sma ...全文


Obeying the law is only for the 'little people'

... ed in the Apple Daily newspaper. As for the other 'explanations', well they have become even more complicated since it has emerged that she signed a legal agreement in the form of a mortgage document ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-12

Arthur Li slams report about HKU's Mathieson as 'fake news'

... rk a lot, Apple Daily reports. Guesting at an internet radio program hosted by former Democratic Party chairwoman Emily Lau Wai-hing on Wednesday, Li said he has never heard that Mathieson was working ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-11

What Huawei can learn from Apple in doing business overseas

Today, consumers have a bewildering array of smartphone brands and models to choose from, depending on their budget and other considerations. The world's biggest handset makers – Apple, Samsung, LG, S ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-11

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