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... 」。 浙江省委書記夏寶龍上周六在全省政法幹部隊伍建設座談會上強調,政法機關是人民民主專政的國家政權機關,政法幹 ...全文


Zhejiang church crackdown: How far will it go?

... Baolong (夏寶龍), a hard-core figure who became the province’s top official since 2012, is believed to be the mastermind of the campaign. Crosses are targeted in the name of Xia's broader three-year camp ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-14

And Taizhou makes three for Volvo in China?

... Baolong {夏寶龍} and governor Li Qiang {李強}. The old factory used to produce Geely’s entry-level models priced at around 50,000 yuan (US$8,250) and local newspapers proclaimed that the new 12.1 billion ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-11

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