
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

How CY Leung maneuvered his return to the chief executive race

... ijing's reaction to the controversy has only proven the political astuteness of Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. Before the oath-taking issue emerged, the talk was that CY Leung was in danger of not g ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-15

What will Trump's Asia policy be like?

... trail. He actually called his opponent “Secretary Clinton” instead of “crooked Hillary” and said, “We owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.” There are clearly two different ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-15

美滙破百關 港股難安寢

... odd-Frank Act)對金融機構的監管。 科技股被投資者拋售,Netflix、亞馬遜、 Google母公 ...全文


外交狂想僅限選戰 商賈治國利益為先

... ng Policy Act)及1979年的《台灣關係法》(Taiwan Relations Act)。上述兩條 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2016年11月12日

Strengthening self-control with positive thoughts

... ons and reactions. It is important because our thoughts determine how we feel and behave. A positive mind will help foster our health and wellbeing. Our thoughts guide our language and actions. Not o ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

High Court asked to disqualify eight lawmakers over oath-taking

... democracy activists from entering Mong Kok during the 2014 Occupy Movement. It also bought a front-page ad in newspapers last month, questioning why Yau and Baggio Leung were being given another chanc ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

Dow surges to all-time high, financial sector hits 2008 levels

... al Reform Act largely opposed by banks. "The Trump campaign did say it would repeal Dodd-Frank. Rates are higher and the yield curve is steeper. Those are all good things for the banks," said Warren W ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

What Trump's victory means to Hong Kong

... ctory, an act which was followed by outgoing US President Barack Obama. In his victory speech, Trump praised his rival and called for reconciliation and unity after one of the most bitter and divisive ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-10

Wall Street surges after sharp overnight losses on Trump victory

... markets reacted violently as Democrat Hillary Clinton's path to victory disintegrated and S&P futures dropped 5 percent before a trading limit kicked in, the news agency said. The US dollar rose t ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-10

Imperial decrees: Beijing negates rule of law in the name of law

... he entire act – gave a loud denial to allegations that the interpretation, the fifth one since the 1997 handover, had once again impaired Hong Kong’s legal establishment. The outcry from local judges ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-09


... ch-Bliley Act),它允許商業銀行、投資銀行與保險機構進行「業務整合」,令華爾街進一步朝自由化發展。 ...全文


Glass-Steagall Act

Glass-Steagall Act又稱《1933年銀行法》,這法律禁止銀行控股公司同時擁有其他金融公司,實質 ...全文


Lending a helping hand gets girl into trouble in Lianjiang

Do good to strangers, and expect nothing in return, our elders tell us. But what if a stranger asks us for something in return for helping them? That's exactly what happened to a 12-year-old girl from ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-08

Maid in daredevil act to perform cleaning duties

... ng at the action for a few more harrowing seconds, that the woman was cleaning the flower pots on the ledge. The flat was on the 12th floor. Mrs. Ho breathed a sigh of relief when the maid returned to ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-04

Legco falls into chaos as Youngspiration duo try to retake oaths

... ted their act last week after Andrew Leung decided to defer their oath-taking and wait for the High Court to decide whether they are entitled to a second chance, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-03


... 奇法》(Hatch Act),該法例禁止聯邦僱員用職務權力影響選舉。 特朗普要把對手拖進泥濘 歷史上,FBI在 ...全文



... -Steagall Act,但她最終拒絕了。希拉莉也考慮了另一個激進人士的方案──對金融交易徵稅,建議只對取消 ...全文


What is Woo really up to?

... le rarely act on impulse as teenagers do and tend to spend a lot of time thinking and planning ahead. How could Woo be serious about his bid if he made his decision to run in such haste? Nor do I thin ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-02

Woman at center of South Korea political crisis arrested

...  apparent act of protest against Choi. He was arrested by police. According to Han Jeung-sub, a senior official at the Seocho Police Station, the 45-year-old man told police: "Choi Soon-sil said she h ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

FBI獲搜令 重查希拉莉「電郵門」
民主黨斥有違法之嫌 逾90前官員聯署炮轟

... 奇法》(Hatch Act),該法律禁止行政機關運用職權影響選舉。信中亦指摘科米隱藏共和黨總統候選人特朗普跟俄 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global美國大選 倒數7日2016年11月01日

頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

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