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數千人通宵買口罩 排隊市民:唔覺得政府有做過任何嘢幫我哋!

本港外科口罩短缺,一家位於九龍灣的貿易公司預告,今明兩日共出售1.1萬盒醫護用三層口罩,吸引數千名市民通宵在九 ...影片


【輪證贏家】75%的「早晨之星 」

第五日home office,陰(可能有雨),不過恒指今日似乎放晴。 依家9點33分,雖然唔喺公司,但我家老爺 ...全文



早晨,第四日home office,係呀,上個星期五收到老細通知,話今個星期繼續home office,一疊利 ...全文


Travelers breach virus lockdown by taking bridge over Yangtze

People are leaving and entering China’s Hubei province by foot over a bridge spanning the Yangtze river despite a virtual lockdown on vehicle traffic due to a coronavirus epidemic that has killed over ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-31

Facebook misses expectations, says growth will continue to slow

Facebook Inc. said growth would continue to slow as its business matured and it reported a surge in quarterly expenses, disappointing Wall Street expectations that the costs of improving privacy would ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-30

一罩難求 市民搶購 荃灣百貨店門外近乎失控

有百貨店商戶昨晚在fb預告,今晨有一批泰國口罩到港,今日中午於各門市開售,吸引大批市民一早排隊輪候。由於貨量有 ...影片


新年願望要健康? 市民:「病又賴政府唔病又賴政府...覺得唔好咪讀好書去參政囉」

過年遇上 #武漢肺炎,喜慶日子都蒙上一片陰霾。#疫情 之嚴重再不是「#高度懷疑」之事,市民新年希望「香港人唔好 ...影片



噚日恒指喺下晝升至逾300點之後有啲橫行嘅跡象,於是再計一計恒指當時嘅位置,剛好喺牛熊證街貨中間附近,所以都無 ...全文



多位民主派區議員在大會質問警務處處長鄧炳強,有關新界西多宗警民衝突事件後續,如元朗「7‧21」白衣人無差別襲擊 ...全文



警務處處長鄧炳強出席荃灣區議會會議,大批市民到場聲援或示威,多次在場內場外引發混亂。鄧炳強發言時批評,近期示威 ...全文


Trump touts US economy, dismisses climate 'prophets of doom'

US President Donald Trump touted the success of the American economy in Davos on Tuesday, dismissing “perennial prophets of doom” on climate change, Reuters reports. Speaking to an audience that inclu ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-22

Huawei CFO's lawyer attacks US extradition case in Canada trial

A lawyer for Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou argued in a Canadian court that “double criminality” was at the center of a trial to decide whether she can be extradited to the United States, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-21

Russian parliament backs Putin's choice for prime minister

The Russian parliament overwhelmingly backed President Vladimir Putin’s surprise choice for prime minister after what one daily called a “January revolution”, a major political overhaul that some say ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

Carrie Lam: 'One country, two systems' can continue beyond 2047

The "one country, two systems" framework that allows Hongkongers to enjoy freedoms unavailable in mainland China can continue beyond the 2047 expiry date, so long as the locals, especially the youth, ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16

Amazon offers US$1 billion to help small businesses in India

Amazon.com Inc.'s chief executive Jeff Bezos said his company will invest US$1 billion to bring small businesses online in India, reaching out to some of his fiercest critics in a goodwill visit, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16


噚日下晝走咗去中環搵謝醫生覆診,個口都未擘大,謝醫生問我:「你做咩架?我唔記得咗添」(為左簡化唔好煩)我答:「 ...全文


Russia govt quits to make way for Putin constitutional reform

Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed constitutional changes on Wednesday that would give him scope to extend his grip on power after leaving the presidency, and picked a new prime minister after ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16


離岸人民幣近日回升至7月下旬約6.87兌一美元,正式重回美國總統特朗普宣布對總值3,000億美元中國貨品加徵1 ...影片


Hyundai unveils first Genesis SUV in overseas premium push

South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co. unveiled the first sport-utility vehicle (SUV) under its Genesis brand on Wednesday, a move analysts said was crucial for the premium marque’s expansion in overseas mar ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15

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