... their extraction and processing capacities. Still, we do have some difficult decisions to make with respect to mining projects within Europe, and we also must invest more in our own refineries and pro ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
... world to act aggressively, reaching interest levels not seen in decades. Such high interest rates were expected to have brought the U.S. and European economies to their knees, once again accelerating ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
Is the dollar poised to lose its dominance of global economic and financial transactions? Many commentators apparently think so. Russia obviously hopes they are right, given that it has been shut out ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-15
歐盟最快年底實施《人工智能法》(AI Act),當中要求公共場所禁用人臉辨識,或成全球首套全面監管AI的法規。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年09月13日
... Sedition Act of 1918 by delivering a speech opposing the United States’ involvement in World War I. Running as the Socialist Party’s candidate, Debs did not win the presidency but received nearly a m ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-12
... Sedition Act of 1918 by delivering a speech opposing the United States’ involvement in World War I. Running as the Socialist Party’s candidate, Debs did not win the presidency but received nearly a m ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-11
... ssessment Act 1997),由於外幣兌澳元滙率並非固定,當中的出入產生的「外滙收益」,被稱作「Fo ...全文
... l Secrets Act 1911),雙雙被帶到倫敦的警局,獲准保釋直到10月初。《周日倫敦時報》及警方均沒 ...全文
... ould have acted otherwise)。因此,若因果決定論屬實,則X並沒有自由意志。 面對此一指 ...全文
... ssessment Act 1997),由於外幣兌澳元滙率並非固定,當中的出入產生的「外滙收益」,被稱作「Fo ...全文
... l Origins Act),「以防止日爾曼種族被移民所淹沒」,同時,保護更古老、更同質化的美國。同樣,特朗普 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年09月07日
... edy Trial Act),政府希望在9月29日前,收到大陪審團關於亨特的起訴書。 亨特的代表律師未有回應查 ...全文
... 50. These actions were part of a realist strategy to contain Soviet power. But containment was interpreted in various ways, and Americans later had bitter, often partisan debates over interventions in ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-06
... s need to act swiftly to leverage the latest models customized with internal data while maintaining security. With generative AI, it is evident that data infrastructure needs to be upgraded to meet th ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-06
歐盟具有開創性的監管法規《數碼服務法》(Digital Services Act)正式生效,將對谷歌、Meta ...全文
... Services Act)及《數碼市場法》(Digital Markets Act)。 先簡介一下《數碼服務 ...全文
... line News Act),要求互聯網公司付費予當地媒體,以換取加拿大用戶可以瀏覽當地新聞,涉及費用由雙方商 ...全文