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谷歌承諾增透明度 以符合歐盟數碼新規

...  Services Act,DSA)的相關規定。 歐盟去年完成DSA的立法工作,法例將於本周五正式生效,要求互 ...全文


How automation keeps enterprises ahead of the curve

... exity characterised by higher data volumes, faster business cycles and ever-more demanding customers. In this volatile climate, traditional business models, processes and skill sets can put a company ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-22

美光擬美國建2晶片廠 促華府援助

... 法案》(CHIPS Act)所批出的援助金。 美光在去年9月及10月公布,計劃在愛達荷州(Idaho)及紐約州 ...全文


The right way to intervene in clean tech

... Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering generous government support for firms building green-manufacturing capacity in the country. Following suit, the European Union’s Net-Zero Industry ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

特朗普再被控13罪 涉佐州選舉舞弊
今年第四度捲刑訴 法院令8.25前投案

... nizations Act,簡稱《RICO法案》)起訴各被告敲詐勒索,最高刑罰監禁20年,為此案最嚴重罪名。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月16日


... l Secrets Act)拘捕。案件將於明年1月開審。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月16日

The US economy is up, so why is Biden down?

... d by the fact that America’s recent bout of inflation had multiple causes. This doesn’t let the Biden administration off the hook. Its American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package announce ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

The hunger profiteers

...  Russia’s actions in Ukraine prompt wheat futures to surge again, it has become clear that food prices can spike without warning. There is little doubt that more shocks will come. The consequences are ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11


... 法案》(Chips Act)也規定,接受法案補貼的公司不得做出可能有利於我國半導體行業的投資。今次拜登直接為美 ...全文



... mentation Act),法案正式生效。 拜登於聲明中稱,對法案針對美台後續協商部分規定表達關切,認為這些 ...全文


The whale

... h we must act civilly and politely. In private we continue to treat animal welfare with wanton nonchalance, as if killing an animal inadvertently is akin to adding a “1” to a “50” (kills). Now, now, t ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-08

Hong Kong needs to protect its image as financial center

... and be proactive in safeguarding national security.” That is to say, in Lee’s view, while reviving Hong Kong’s role as a global financial center, it was vital to continue the crackdown on perceived th ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering generous government support for firms building green-manufacturing capacity in the country. Following suit, the European Union’s Net-Zero Industry ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07


... (omission-act)之間存有着關鍵區別──我「去」殺一個人與「容許」千人之死之間存有着道德差異(就好比 ...全文



...  and Jobs Act)、《晶片與科學法案》(Chips and Science Act),及作為謝幕但名 ...全文



...  and Jobs Act)、《晶片與科學法案》(Chips and Science Act),以及作為謝幕但 ...全文



... 即被「事實核查」(fact check)發現他首兩年新創崗位少於特朗普同期,1340萬中大部分並非新工作,只是 ...全文


德桑蒂斯:若當選總統 考慮全美禁TikTok

... (Restrict Act)那樣激進的程度。該法案是參議院兩黨提出的一項措施,允許總統針對來自美國對手的一系列 ...全文


美政客提案 優先對台售武

...  Strength Act),要求政府優先處理對台軍售案、修改《台灣關係法》,停止限制售台武器須為防禦性質。 ...全文


The power breakers

... which the acts of executives and administrations can be measured for their validity. But legal systems that lack a written constitution necessarily depend on their judiciary to determine whether or no ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

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