
共 1451 個結果
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America’s Big Oil problem

... Emissions Gap Report 2020 shows that the rich OECD countries are not reducing their emissions fast enough, and developing economies are on track to continue increasing theirs. In advance of November’s ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-30

Why aviation should embrace carbon taxation

...  the cost gap will thus require either a carbon tax on conventional jet fuel, or fuel-use mandates requiring airlines to use a steadily rising percentage of SAFs. IATA argues that any such taxes would ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-23


... vereignty Gap)。到頭來,失敗國家修復不了,他自己淪為失敗總統,讓阿富汗進一步失敗。 加尼令人不齒 ...全文


Japan ups the ante on corporate governance

... osing the gap with European and US equity markets. Companies have been allocating capital more efficiently, paying higher dividends and increasing share buybacks, and these improved returns have been ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-19

Ventilation of the Tokyo Olympic Stadium

... roduced a gap between the stands and the roof that draws airflow into the stadium from outside to mitigate the summer’s hot and humid thermal environment. Is this enough to prevent the spread of the C ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-16

Are central banks to blame for rising inequality?

...  into the gap if inequality is to be tamed. This view seems to forget that although central banks have a certain degree of operating independence, they are not empowered to take over fiscal policy dec ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-09


... Emissions Gap Report)認為,將全球變暖相對工業化前水平限制在攝氏1.5度以內,需要到203 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2021年08月06日

On where the market ends

... ified the gap between the rich and poor – especially in ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年08月05日

Crackdown on tuition sector: Where the market ends

... ified the gap between the rich and poor – especially in city centers, where a high concentration of after-school tuition centers have severely compounded the woes of the struggling middle class, as we ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-04


... Emissions Gap Report)認為,將全球變暖限制在相對於工業化前水平1.5℃以內,需要在2030 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Daniel K. Gardner2021年08月04日

Keys to winning the war for young Hong Kong talent

... . The pay gap within the business/commerce and IT disciplines has widened to 19% (from 15% in 2020) and 11% (from 7% in 2020), respectively. This will make achieving gender pay parity more challenging ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

Will China kick its coal habit?

... Emissions Gap Report concluded that limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius relative to pre-industrial levels requires reducing global emissions by 55% from 2018 levels by 2030. But China added 38.4 g ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

A third way for inflation?

... at output gaps took a decade to close. This kept growth uncomfortably slow and inflation below central bank targets. This time, governments and businesses are committing to investments to address hous ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-02

Three observations from China’s RRR cut

... liquidity gap caused by the peak tax period in mid and late July. Netting out these effects, the liquidity of the banking system would remain relatively stable. Two, financial conditions remain accomm ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-29

America’s Republicans are killing their voters

... “partisan gap” – which continues to widen – holds even after accounting for income, race, and age, as well as population density and the local infection and death rates. According to my calculations, ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-26

Getting serious about leveling up UK economy

... eech, the gap between the UK’s most and least prosperous areas has been growing. “It is an astonishing fact,” he observed, “that 31 years after German unification, the per capita GDP of the North East ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-22

受眾對新聞媒體 信任鴻溝正擴闊

... 鴻溝」(trust gap)擴闊,代表受眾對新聞質素(包括準確性及仔細程度)有更高要求,有利維護傳媒專業操守。 ...全文



...  Learning Gap《學習的差異)》,卻毫不客氣地分析「為什麼我們的學校失敗,以及我們可以從日本和中國學 ...全文


H&M季賺33.5億 內地遇挫

... M銷售已縮至6%。 Gap 9月底前撤出英國愛爾蘭 另外,美國便服品牌Gap宣布今年9月底前全線結束英國和愛爾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年07月02日

The pandemic threat to female leadership

... mployment gap in two decades. Working mothers, more than 40% of whom are their family’s primary breadwinner, have been especially hit hard. Many simply are unable to balance their careers with overwhe ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-30

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