... ,例如紅杉的沈南鵬和IDG的熊曉鴿。 延伸生意領域 到今年3月,紅杉在深圳與一些上市公司創立了星界基金,規模達 ...全文
IDG能源(00650)宣布,收購於澳洲證券交易所及美國OTC國際平台上市的Liquefied Natural ...全文
... 467)跌2.8%;IDG能源(00650)跌5.5%。多隻燃氣股亦回吐,昆能(00135)跌2.1%;中集安 ...全文
... s such as IDG Capital, Accel, Breyer Capital and Pantera, as well as two new investors, Blockchain Capital and Tusk Ventures. Former investor Goldman Sachs was not part of the latest round. Circle use ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-17
... 而根據國際數據集團(IDG),2017年印度可穿戴設備市場規模達1.57億美元(約12.25億港元)。在印度銷 ...全文
... an Sachs, IDG Capital, Baidu and CICC. Focusing on mobile payments and cryptocurrencies, the Dublin-based startup claims to be “the most licensed company in the crypto market globally”. In 2015, Circl ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-09
... pany from IDG and PCCW for US$33 million, or an average of fewer than 10 cents a share. As Tencent grew, Naspers exercised incredible patience, selling no shares in the company since its 2004 listing ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-23
... Catalyst與IDG Capital Partners;Poloniex則未有透露曾否作融資。 ...全文
... 數輪融資,投資者包括IDG資本、紅杉資本、中泰證券等,累計融資金額超過20億元人民幣。 此外,國家主權基金「中 ...全文
... 獲阿里巴巴、富士康及IDG資本領投。 4.姚松炎獲確認九龍西補選參選資格 姚松炎獲選舉主任電郵確認九龍西補選參 ...全文
Chinese electric-vehicle manufacturer Xiaopeng Motors is closing a 2.2 billion yuan (US$350 million) funding round led by Alibaba Group, Foxconn Technology Group and IDG Capital, according to an annou ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-29