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【新股追蹤】KEEP今起招股 入場費6208元

中國最大的線上健身平台KEEP(03650)今日起至7月5日招股,發售1083.86萬股,每股招股價介乎28. ...全文


KEEP(03650) 展示文件

KEEP(03650) 展示文件(9KB, htm) ...全文


KEEP(03650) 上市文件 - [發售以供認購]

KEEP(03650) 綠色申請表格(1MB, pdf) ...全文


KEEP(03650) 上市文件 - [發售以供認購]

KEEP(03650) 全球發售(17KB, htm) ...全文


KEEP(03650) 上市文件 - [發售以供認購]

KEEP(03650) 全球發售(12MB, pdf) ...全文


KEEP(03650) 正式通告

KEEP(03650) 全球發售(687KB, pdf) ...全文


The end of Boris Johnson?

... terest to keep Johnson out because he represents the biggest threat to his leadership. In December 2019, Johnson led the Party to its largest election victory since 1987. The two main factors were an ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-29

The end of Boris Johnson?

... terest to keep Johnson out because he represents the bi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月29日

The rise of the curated meeting

... t to help keep everyone alert. 4. Act as a facilitator Instead of driving your meeting from the front, allow colleagues to lead it, directing the session towards the right outcome. Manage conflict or ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27

Blinken’s visit: What it was, and what it wasn’t

... uggles to keep peace amidst prospectively unbridled escalation in violence (the classic Thucydides Trap narrative), and that ultimately forces third-party states to choose sides, often to the detrimen ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-21

Bond market opportunities in emerging countries

...  banks to keep rates elevated for six to 12 months (or even longer) before starting an easing cycle. In addition, the higher the policy rate relative to country's long-term neutral rate and the longer ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-21

Trump trial poses existential threat to U.S. democracy

... t him and keep him from returning to the White House. But, if he wins, what will be the future of the world’s oldest democracy? -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-19

Weathering turbulence: Flexibility and speed key for banks

... oiling to keep up with a changing regulatory landscape, they should not lose sight of delivering offerings that increase customer value. Leveraging Big Data enables banks to refine workflows by provid ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14

Standing up to AI surveillance

... llance to keep their populations under control. There will be cameras everywhere, facilitating as much repression as the regime sees fit to use. A big economic choice looms for the world’s democracies ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-14


路透旗下IFR報道,軟銀有份投資的中國健身應用程式Keep,計劃最快於本月來港上市,集資規模約1億元(美元.下 ...全文


Why do Hong Kong girls need more exercise?

... nt should keep reminding its citizens about the importance of staying healthy. A walk a day keeps the doctor away. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-07

【盤房來料】港股6月開局反彈 但未宜過份樂觀

... 入場買吓貨,如果成交keep到,反彈勢頭可持續。 藍籌股普遍反彈,港交所(00388)半日升2%,友邦(012 ...全文


America and China on a collision course

... intend to keep China at least a generation behind in the race for AI supremacy. Last year’s CHIPS and Science Act introduced massive incentives to reshore chip production. The risk now is that China, ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-01

The US debt ceiling debacle not over

... needed to keep the government operating. Minting a trillion dollar coin and depositing it at the Federal Reserve in order to circumvent Congress would put the central bank in an untenable position. Th ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-30

Could Taiwan choose Gou Tai-ming of Foxconn as President?

... onomy, to keep up living standards and solve the high unemployment among young college graduates,” he said. The KMT candidate will face Vice President Lai Ching-te, whom the ruling Democratic Progress ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-09

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