... However, WeWork’s failed initial public offering (IPO) last month has rocked the global startup and venture capital community, and affected market sentiment. Knox said the progress of the fundraising ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-13
《華爾街日報》報道,共享辦公室營運商WeWork與美國第三大流動通訊商T-Mobile US行政總裁(CEO) ...全文
在目睹過辦公室租賃初創公司WeWork遭受的恥辱之後,散戶投資者是否仍要投資科技初創公司?美國證交會(SEC) ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月12日
WeWork officials, including co-founder and former chief executive Adam Neumann, are being sued by minority shareholders to recoup losses as the shared workspace provider pulled its initial public offe ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-11
共享辦公室營運商WeWork上周五公布了一份名為「90天行動計劃」的救亡方案,包括裁員及出售所有非核心資產,希 ...全文
... 例如蔚來汽車、小米及WeWork等,LP透過某些GP投資了比較後期的幾輪以後,雖然短期可能再有點後來者接火棒讓 ...全文
... 大量投資於Uber和WeWork等仍然蝕錢且估計尚有一段時間處於虧損的新創企業,導致損手,故逐漸關注新創企業有 ...全文
有關注美國IPO上市的朋友最近一定聽過有關獨角獸公司WeWork上市失敗的鬧劇。標榜自己為科技公司、以共用辦公 ...全文
Just how dire the situation is for WeWork right now could be seen in its operations here in Hong Kong, where its business model seemed well-suited given the stratospheric rates of office spaces in the ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-07
共享辦公室營運商WeWork大股東日本軟銀(SoftBank)公布錄得14年來首個季度虧損,主席孫正義承認在投 ...全文
... 需為共享辦公室營運商WeWork和召車軟件商Uber的投資減值,拖累集團第二季度業績由盈轉虧,是14年來首度錄 ...全文
美國共享工作空間營運商WeWork上市計劃觸礁,導致資金短缺,早前已傳出計劃裁減4000個職位,並宣布收縮亞洲 ...全文
... 最大型IPO。 2.WeWork傳擬放棄部分香港辦公場所 外電報道,資金短缺的共享辦公室服務商WeWork正考 ...全文
外電報道,資金短缺的共享辦公室服務商WeWork正考慮放棄香港至少6個地點的辦公場所。據悉,該公司之前因財務問 ...全文
... s such as WeWork and Uber, Reuters reports. The depth of the loss casts doubts on founder Masayoshi Son’s high-risk strategy of investing in cash-burning startups, as he is trying to raise a second ma ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-06
SoftBank may be rescuing WeWork with a US$9.5 billion cash injection but most rivals say they believe the office space sharing company is still in critical condition. They say for Manhattan-based WeWo ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-06
... 皇室最值錢的家當換取WeWork,精明定老襯,唔識計矣。 世紀交易接下來通常都冇好嘢發生,可是沙地阿美情況不一 ...全文
據外國媒體報道,共享辦公室服務商WeWork表示,由於公司數周後就會出現資金告罄的情況,因此提前收到了來自軟銀 ...全文