
共 2871 個結果
頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

IMF 'wrong’ on UK economy warning, Lagarde says

... arde told BBC Television Sunday that the IMF was wrong about government austerity policies. "Clearly the confidence building that has resulted from the economic policies adopted by the government has ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-09

World Cup win: What's science got to do with it?

... logies to BBC): "The impact of environmental factors alone is quite staggering. A 5 celsius degree rise in temperature reduces our chances of winning by 59 percent. We are twice as likely to win when ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-30

Losing and finding a mother in the Amazon

... ried, the BBC reported. He wept and put a hand on her shoulder. That meeting and the days that followed introduced David to another extended family, a new name and a new idea of what he might be. "It' ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-28

Oh my, Barney and friends can't meet kids in China

... s such as BBC's Teletubbies and Disney's Winnie the Pooh are generating a lot of income from licensing and live show businesses on the mainland. Barney is quite popular among kiddie televiewers in oth ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-16

Maoming residents protest against PX factory, BBC says

Maoming residents protest against PX factory, BBC says Residents of Maoming city in Guangdong province took to the streets Sunday night in protest against a proposal to build a factory to make the tox ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-01

Macau TV station TDM unlikely to switch signal to Hengqin

... ng Corp. (BBC) is probably the only way forward for TDM, he said.  Macau government established TDM in 1983 and later sold 49.5 percent stake in the entity to private investors in 1989. In 1995, forme ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-05

US challenges China over hi-tech steel imports, BBC says

The United States has accused China of failing to comply with a World Trade Organization directive requiring it to drop duties on hi-tech US steel imports, the BBC reported Tuesday. The trade body had ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-14

BNP sees private firms driving next China M&A wave

...  program, BBC News reported in mid-April. The bank has closed more than 200 branches in the UK over the last three years, and four so far in 2013. It is thought a further 20 closure announcements will ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-12

Five dead, 38 injured in Tiananmen car crash, paper says

... sion, the BBC reported late Monday. Rumors were spreading that the crash may have been a suicide attack by petitioners from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, according to a report on Boxun.com Tue ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-29

Teachers in China top survey on public respect, BBC says

Teachers in China have the highest levels of public respect of those in 21 countries covered by an international survey, BBC News reported Thursday. The global index was compiled by University of Suss ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-04

Apple under fire after axing China anti-firewall app, BBC says

Chinese web users have criticized Apple after the company pulled an iPhone app which enabled users to bypass firewalls and access restricted internet sites, BBC News reported Thursday. The developers ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-04

頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

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