初創傳媒公司可以透過在網上發布視頻內容建立真正的規模,全球最大串流影像商Netflix就是最好的證明。作為傳媒 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月10日
... 出, 為影視串流平台Netflix主持節目。新節目共有6集, 暫定明年播出,將有單對單訪問及幽默時評。利達文在 ...全文
... inated by Netflix (35 percent), Google’s YouTube (18 percent) and other video streaming services such as Amazon Video and Hulu (7 percent). Yet, the cost of carrying this traffic is "socialized" acros ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-09
Walt Disney Co. will stop providing new movies to Netflix Inc. starting in 2019 and launch its own streaming service as the world's biggest entertainment company tries to capture digital viewers who a ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-09
... 、Facebook和Netflix會「自動播放」(autoplay)下一段,喜歡只要按「分享」(share)便 ...全文
Indian movie production house Eros is in early talks with Apple, Amazon and Netflix to sell its film and music library, Reuters reports, citing a source familiar with the matter. Global content stream ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-08
全球最大串流影像商Netflix首度作出併購,昨天宣布已經收購了漫畫書出版商Millarworld,日後可把對 ...全文
... a Chinese Netflix-to-Tesla-like conglomerate. Sunac said the fund raising would see it issue US$400 million of senior notes due in 2020 and US$600 million due in 2022, which would help "optimize" its ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-03
... 年4月,網絡電視一哥Netflix被名為The Dark Overlord的黑客入侵,該公司拒絕繳交巨額贖金, ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年08月02日
... MG(視乎閣下喜歡把Netflix還是微軟放進字母組合)帶動。然而,年初以來,數大龍頭累積升幅少則兩成、多則五 ...全文
... , Amazon, Netflix and Google) have skyrocketed in recent years, the antitrust issue has also become a major concern of their investors. US President Donald Trump, during last year's election campaign, ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-31
... 大巨擘FAANG中,Netflix及Facebook的業績都刺激兩者股價飆升,但Alphabet(Google ...全文
... 隨之上下波動。 上周Netflix公布次季用戶超過1億,而微軟則公布商用雲服務翻一番,科技企業仍屬本季度業績最 ...全文
... 視體育亦是。當中美國Netflix算是佼佼者,是一間全球最大提供網絡隨選串流影片的公司,最近業績理想,較市場預 ...全文
... 多了藉口出街食飯。 Netflix最近業績超出市場預期,應如何拆解?明天繼續。 retailfun66@gma ...全文
... 球最大網上視像供應商Netflix的情況證明這個法例有檢討的需要。 為了防止企業薪酬過高,美國前總統克林頓提出 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月21日
... 起次季業績期的帷幕,Netflix業績造好,股價支撐納指連漲9天及創下收盤新高紀錄新高;上周科技股牛氣未減,領 ...全文