... 團今年的售樓成績,其中集團牽頭發展、位於沙田九肚的澐灃,累沽12伙,套現7.5億元,餘貨續以惜售策略逐步推售。 ...全文
... 基礎,違反《基本法》中集會及結社自由,強調即使有新規定亦不能違憲違法。黨魁楊岳橋稱,政府不應上訴,尊重法庭裁決 ...全文
Julie Sinnamon, the chief executive of Enterprise Ireland (EI), said that, after Britain leaves the European Union in March next year, Hong Kong and mainland China will play an increasing role as expo ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-15
新股市場大吹淡風,但仍有新股昨日開始預路演,測試市場水溫,包括由復星國際(00656)分拆的復星旅遊文化。券商 ...全文
Julie Sinnamon, the chief executive of Enterprise Irela ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2018年11月15日
... 中國指數的股份包括:中集(02039)、中新控股(08207)、中遠海發(02866)、保利協鑫(03800) ...全文
... 2131萬元淨流入;中集集團(02039)有1522萬元北水淨流入。 「港股通」(滬)全日十大成交活躍股份依次 ...全文
China and Russia unveiled a life-size model of a proposed wide-body long-haul jet, pushing a joint effort to break into a market dominated by Boeing and Airbus. The life-size model was showcased at th ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-08
... ⓐ-(5)浪尋底。 中集安瑞科(03899)似蘋果公司,以大型頭肩頂【圖2】向下尋底,最小量度跌幅下望3.55 ...全文
Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled plans on Monday to launch a technology board in Shanghai that will adopt a loosely-regulated mechanism for initial public offerings (IPOs), potentially competing ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-06
The trade war between the United States and China is the “most stupid thing in this world”, said Jack Ma, co-founder and chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Reuters reports. The two countries have ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-06
... 有否潛在投資機會。 中集安瑞科(03899)屬防守性股份之一,該公司主要從事能源裝備與工程,為內地LNG儲運裝 ...全文
China will lower import tariffs and continue to broaden market access, President Xi Jinping said on Monday at the opening of a week-long trade expo seen as an attempt by Beijing to counter mounting cr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-05