China and Russia unveiled a life-size model of a proposed wide-body long-haul jet, pushing a joint effort to break into a market dominated by Boeing and Airbus. The life-size model was showcased at th ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-08
周一美股道指升而納指挫。道指上周五下挫109點,本周一回升190點,收報25461點。 道指由新高26951點 ...全文
Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled plans on Monday to launch a technology board in Shanghai that will adopt a loosely-regulated mechanism for initial public offerings (IPOs), potentially competing ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-06
The trade war between the United States and China is the “most stupid thing in this world”, said Jack Ma, co-founder and chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Reuters reports. The two countries have ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-06
港股一日大升,一日大跌,短炒股票被股市點到頭暈。估計影響大市的消息在本月過後逐漸淡化,包括美國中期選舉、中美元 ...全文
China will lower import tariffs and continue to broaden market access, President Xi Jinping said on Monday at the opening of a week-long trade expo seen as an attempt by Beijing to counter mounting cr ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-05
Zhenhua Oil is set to sign a letter of intent this week with Iraq's state oil marketer SOMO for establishment of a China joint venture, Reuters reports, citing industry sources familiar with the matte ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-05
2018年上半年,在兩票制全國實施下,內地藥品流通市場銷售增幅稍微回落,七大類醫藥商品銷售總額達1萬億元人民幣 ...全文
美國對福建晉華電子晶片實施禁售令 美國商務部宣布以違反國家安全理由,對福建晉華集成電路(Fujian Jinh ...全文
上周五恒指高開低走,全日波幅473點。恒指收報24717點,跌276點或1.11%,成交金額956.33億元。 ...全文
大市走勢:美聯儲公布議息記錄,所有成員贊成漸進加息步伐,消息令市場繼續受壓。以及市場擔心中國股市急跌帶來負面影 ...全文